Kel-Tec P32

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New member
Just ordered up one of these little guys sight unseen. Sounds great, anybody have one yet. Pros, Cons?

I own one of the earliest P32's (SN 4xx). I got it back in the spring. As yet I haven't seen them in stock in stores in the Atlanta area. The best site for info about any Kel-Tec products is, the Kel-Tec owners group. A wealth of information here. I had a couple of minor problems with the gun initially but returned it to Kel-Tec and it now works flawlessly. I had the slide hard chrome plated by Jack Fuselier, a KTOG member, for $20 which makes a great gun beautiful. With the belt clip (which is also available for left-handed shooters)it will conceal anywhere. It feeds anything. I shoot Bellier & Sellot (spelling?) for practice and carry Gold Dots. Minimal recoil, very accurate at 25 feet, considering the minimal sights. Every once in a while if I am feeling frisky I will use the P-32 to shoot bowling pins at the local range. Believe me, this will turn heads! When you get yours remember to check your pants pockets before doing the laundry. It would be very easy to forget you had this little guy in your pocket and send it through the wash!

The Kel-Tec 32 is an amazing little gun. Light, accurate and 100% reliable so far. Great trigger for a little gun. Mine likes to be carried with Silvertips. Regards, Dennis
I've been trying to get one for a month now with no luck. On the internet at gunshows and I have a couple of dealers looking. They say the distributors just laugh at them when they ask. A large dealer at the gun show says he's had a few dealers by a couple from him at retail, and then resell them for a profit.
Is Kel-Tec taking a page of the Seecamp book?
Is production that slow? geesh! It's easier to find an NAA Gaurdian.

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!
I just picked up the December 1999 issue of Combat Handguns at the grocery store. It has a nice article about the P-32.
Saw one at a gun show this weekend . I was a little taken back by just how small and light it actually was . Seemed more like a backup for your backup to me . or perhaps a backup to your concealed carry weapon of choice . It seems like there are some pretty decent .380 s out there wieghing in around 12-14 ounces that will hide in just about any pocket . Aside from being cute , what is the real life application ?

I prefer carrying my P-11 or G23 as PDF. However, I work in a casual environment that takes me into close contact with numerous people on a daily basis. I can always carry my P-32. It is not my first choice if I am forced into a shooting solution, but then, no sidearm would be.

I do see your point . Living is Florida compounds the same problem for me because of the hot weather. I work in an enviroment where carrying is a violation of company policy and grounds for losing your job . I've never shot the little Keltec. My bias is based solely on my visual impression that this would be a difficult gun to employ at all but point blank range and the tiny .32 makes it conspicuously ineffective in such circumstances . Better than no gun at all ? Of course . Will it save your life from a bad guy with a knife or a lead pipe ? I think that's questionable . I don't care if they find the other guy dead two blocks away after they load me in the ambulance .

of course ,all the other choices involve a compromise . The little .380s are not close to being a great solution either . There is, however, a great deal of fact based information that indicates that a .380 or a 38 special is a lot better compromise . The trick is finding effective ways to conceal them in the circumstances that the little Keltec would be an option .
Just read the article, very good indeed. I'm really looking forward to getting this little guy. I'm well aware of the limitations, but then again I'm someone who doesn't really feel the need to carry anyhow. Sure will be nice to throw a little "Piece of Mind" in a jacket pocket on occasion though. Don't get me wrong, I have a CCW but I just rarely excercise it.


I live in GA, and my work situation is as yours.

I can appreciate your feelings about stopping agression. Personally, I am a martial artist, and feel that I can probably end most threats with my hand-to-hand skills...but I cannot employ those while hiding behind something! :) I have no great faith in the .32 ACP, but it's great for (as SOF said) "those of us who must drink beer and pretend to like it". Hell, I don't even pretend to like it...usually drink cider, myself.

To put this into perspective: my good friend Spartacus used to carry a Seecamp .25, which he has since replaced w/ a NAA .32. I asked him if he really thought that .25 would stop an attack. No, he replied...but, the Seecamp would make a good bludgeon after he emptied it into his assailant! My feelings in regard to preparation are that we should do what we reasonably can, and leave the rest to God/fate/kismet/"your choice here".

I would have a hard time carrying my 9mm or one of my .40's at work without leaving them unattended. My .32 can go anywhere, and can be shot quickly and accurately at close range. If I have to go head-to-head with a deadly threat, I would just as soon he had a few 1/3" holes in him first. If you would like further information or suggestions, please feel free to contact me directly.
My local shop told me today that KT has stopped production of the P32 for an unspecified amount of time. Two of the three guns they had come through their shop had broken triggers after just a few shots. The buyer of the third gun hasn't fired his yet.
Has anyone heard anything different?
I got this reply from KT today:

Re: Question
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:58:14 EDT


The new P-32's have been shipping since March. Production was slow at first
but we are now up to shipping approx. 600-700 P-32's per week. All of our
distributors are receiving shipments of these pistols. Unfortunately,
because of the demand at this time, the P-32 is hard to find. Until the
backorders are mostly filled, all of the dealers will be out of stock on this
firearm. We suggest keeping your backorder with your dealer so that he is
next in line to receive a shipment when the backorders are being filled.

We do not sell to dealers. We only sell through wholesale distributors.
Therefore, we are not aware of what dealers they sell to. However, if you
would like to provide us with a fax number, we can give you a list of
distributors. You cannot buy directly from them, but possibly they can tell
you if they have sold in your area.

The new P-32's recommended retail price is $297.00 for the blued model. This
pistol will also be available in parkerized and hard chrome in the future.
The weight is only 6.6 ozs. unloaded. For more information on this pistol,
please send us a mailing address along with a request for information.

Thank you.
Just saw one P32 sold locally. They are still available. WOuld you rather have a situation where Kel-tec cuts corners and puts out lots of poorly made guns or that they remain realistic about production capacity and make the current high-quality guns?

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