Kel Tec P-32 Question


New member
Well OK, a Kel Tec holster question. I just ordered and received an Alessi pocket holster and ordered a RH, front pocket. Being new to pocket holsters, I'm not sure if I got the right one. The one I received places the flat, tall flap of leather against my leg, with the pistol grip exposed and against the outside pocket flap. I had thought that the flat, tall flap of leather woudl go against the outside of the pocket, essentially creating a "check book" appearance. A little advice would be greatly appreciated.

your holster is correct,the flap goes against your thigh whith the grip facing out,this is so you have something to grab to draw the gun. I had an alesi pocket holster for my p-32 and did not like it, it was too stiff and the gun and holster would roll in my pocket because the holster was smooth on the outside,My reccomedation for a pocketholster for your p-32 would be either a uncle mikes soft pocket holster or i also like MD/Enterprises pocket holster @ I am sure if you decide you do not want allesi's holster he will refund your money he is a great guy.
I ordered the Aker #155 pocket holster ( ) a few days ago, but it's not in stock and it will take 4 weeks to make. It has a flap that faces the outside of the pocket and stops the gun from printing.

I bought a cheap Desantis ("The Nemesis" model at: ) to hold me over for the next month, but it still allows my P32 to print through a jeans pocket.

[This message has been edited by KA3N (edited July 22, 2000).]
Rebert Hedley specializes in making pocket holsters for KT P-32s and NAA Guardians by hand. The best you can buy for $50.

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG
I carry a P32 [with finger grip] in the magazine pouch of my smartcarry. It makes a great backup.

The P32 is so small and light, I can carry it in my pocket, but I might take it out with my keys :)
I modified a vinyl glasses case to hold the P-32. Even managed to find one with the pocket clip. Keeps the gun from printing and picking up pocket lint.

Glasses cases are FREE from LensCrafters and/or most other large "vision centers."