Kel Tec Bull Pup for Skeet


New member
I took a few shots at some skeet targets with one of the single barrel Kel Tec bull pup shotguns. I have no use for them, but that is me and not to say it isn't for you. For a defensive sg I will stick with my 18 inch 870. Anyway, I was surprised that I could hit some birds with it. Still, I an everyone else had a hell of a time trying to fire a second shot. It had some kind of trouble ejecting the first hull and loading the next.
Skeet as in on a regulation skeet field or skeet as in some backyard floppers? There IS a difference.
Personally I find the bullpups totally inadequate for anything other than a range toy for stationary targets
Many range's and shooting club's have minimum barrel
length's that can be used. Generally it is 26 inches,
anything shorter is not allowed.
Hadn't heard that one. I have not seen any concern over any legal (18+") barrel at my club. Not to mention the frequent Internet Brag "I took my Mossy and beat the old guys with their Krieghoffs."
In Michigan there are clubs that post barrel length.

However public ranges where you bring everything with you
there is no restriction. There is enough room between firing stations
so muzzle blast won't bother anyone.

At a club shooting at trap range you are very close
to the next shooter. Muzzle blast can be distracting.
There are clubs that won't let you play with anything but a Skeet/Trap gun too. Others will look at you like you're some kind of vermin. They can be a kind of exclusive bunch.
In the old days, the Skeet/Trap shooters all thought our idiot government would never bother them. Shocked, so they were, when they were told they'd have to take a firearms course to get a licence and register their shotguns. That last part is gone now.
"...It had some kind of trouble ejecting..." Most likely the ammo. You using target ammo?
A friend of mine is a skeet shooter almost exclusively.

He belongs to a smaller club and told me about a year ago about some guy at the range with a Kel-Tec KSG with an accessory interchangeable choke attachment on the barrel.
He said the guy was just embarrassing everyone else no end by busting everything in the air with the KSG.

He said a couple of sheriff's deputies often come out and shoot skeet with their 18 inch barrel 870 Police shotguns, and do it very well.
Hadn't heard that one. I have not seen any concern over any legal (18+") barrel at my club. Not to mention the frequent Internet Brag "I took my Mossy and beat the old guys with their Krieghoffs."

And YOU have been around long enough to know that isn't even close to being true; no matter what the internet wannabes say........
I saw a few - single digits - of "naturals" who could break targets much better than their level of experience and equipment would lead you to expect.
Where are those clubs in Michigan ? I live and have shot in Michigan for 48 years and have never seen one. Not saying they don't exist, just wondering where.
Not an exclusive old boys club

I shoot a lot of trap, could not find nicer people to shoot with.

I'm sure we would allow you to shoot anything, as long as it is handled safely and muzzle blast is an issue. You might get the trap field to yourself for a round or maybe you on 1 and me on 5 to start a round.
Safety is always #1. Younger guys with SBS wrong tool for the job and it takes better muzzle discipline, due to the short length.

Despite internet legends otherwise, no. Darned unlikely you will break more birds than me, and I am not that good.

It's a lot like teaching a younger guy and one day he breaks one more bird than you do during a round. He now might think he is the better shot.

While distances and layout differ, both trap and skeet are about perfection, not luck.
A few clubs in Florida also state "No Tactical Shotguns" allowed on the clays courses - they do have a tactical gun section for the run and gun crowd

However public ranges where you bring everything with you
there is no restriction. There is enough room between firing stations
so muzzle blast won't bother anyone.

At a club shooting at trap range you are very close
to the next shooter. Muzzle blast can be distracting.
Question (I should know the answer but I don’t’):
Isn’t the size and layout of a Trap range standardized, the distance between points the same everywhere?
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Yes. ATA Trap and NSSA Skeet range layouts are standardized.
There are even specifications on target trajectory. If you see stakes out on the field and a pole with a ring on top, those are to test for legal targets.
Isn’t the size and layout of a Trap range standardized, the distance between points the same everywhere?
Trap ranges are radially arranged so that all the firing points are pointed at the trap house. Imagine a fourth of a wagon wheel. The spokes are all pointed towards the hub. Same on a trap range. The closer you are to the trap house, the closer together the firing positions are.
A friend of mine is a skeet shooter almost exclusively.

He belongs to a smaller club and told me about a year ago about some guy at the range with a Kel-Tec KSG with an accessory interchangeable choke attachment on the barrel.
He said the guy was just embarrassing everyone else no end by busting everything in the air with the KSG.

He said a couple of sheriff's deputies often come out and shoot skeet with their 18 inch barrel 870 Police shotguns, and do it very well.

You sing a ton of praise for the KSG and your only source ever has been a wikipedia link with some EXTREME SHOCK style propaganda pics of a South Korean unit that is not very special. I'm glad you have a second source of information, in an unnamed third party that once saw someone with a KSG break some birds.
unorthodox skeet guns

A friend of mine who was a revolutionary war reenactor brought his repro brown bess musket to the skeet club one day. He loaded the usual black powder charge, rammed down a standard 12 gauge plastic wad (Win AA, as I recall - the musket was 73 caliber) dumped an ounce of #9 down the muzzle, then rammed some kleenex after it to hold the shot. He then primed the pan and handed it to me, saying "you'd better shoot maintained lead".

I called for the target (low 4), got a lead and pulled the trigger. After a fizzing sound the musket went off and there was smoke everywhere. "Damn", he said. "You hit it".

I don't recommend you try this, but it can be done...:D
Jim Watson,
About the Mossy and the Krieghoff. I was a skeet shooter and avid bird hunter, who decided to check out the local trap club...

It was an H&R, in 20ga no less, at 27 yard trap, because a Browning/Krieghoff shooting jerk got snotty because my old recoil-op Ithica upland gun was depositing it's hulls near his feet, even *gasp* striking his boot! He was probably right, shoot I KNOW he was, but it was HOW he said it. He was being a poor ambassador for his sport, and needed a lesson. I out scored him two rounds with the Ithica.

Switching to 27 yards to lose the new guy (me), I began to follow him, but he said "with that?". Okay. I leave and come back my $60 single shot (and some high brass 7 1/2s). He informed me (as if I didn't know) that "20s aren't usually shot at 27 yards. "Oh, well. It's a full choke; I'll give it a try"....and peeled his butt 23 to 19.

Now thourougly enjoying his frustration, I heard him ask his friend to shoot doubles. As he placed his Browning single shot on his rack and picked up a Krieghoff (I know this because I recognized the Browning Recoiless Trap single shot, and his friend asked about the Krieghoff) "Hey, that sounds like fun!", to which he replied "You don't have a gun for doubles".

Au contraire. "I'll be right back." I heard the "F" word uttered behind my back as I departed...

I returned with a Mossberg 835, which I had shot skeet with many times, and had shot everything from partridge, to ducks, to deer with. I'm sad to report that I did not out shoot the snob, but I did tie with him. At the end of the round he turned to me and said "What do I have to do to get away from you?"
"Easy", I told him, "Stop being an ***hole".
Many years ago when I used to go to the USAF rod and gun clubs to shoot darts after work, I found out the clubs seemed to be gun specific: one would be a Remington clob, one would be a Winchester club...this was before the proliferation of foreign mfgrs. Well, Iraklion AS on Crete was a Remington club and the custodian ordered 2 Win model 1200's, 2 3/4" and couldn't sell them. I got a great deal, $75 for a mod 1200 with vent rib and recoil reduction system. 47 years old an still keeps on ticking.....