Keep Your Powder Dry!


New member
Or, at least put some in every cylinder!


But if you don't, make sure that you bring a mallet (and punch, if necessary), nipple wrench and rod to get the stuck ball out. Otherwise, you'll have to waste a lovely day like Sunday was:


Actually, it wasn't totally wasted...I brought an 1858, too.
Couldn't you have just used the rammer to push the ball back in a little and then continued by only shooting 5 shots?

Just wondering...
I just use a wood screw and a pair of vice grips......Not that I've ever loaded a dry ball of course.:rolleyes:
Couldn't you have just used the rammer to push the ball back in a little and then continued by only shooting 5 shots?

I did a couple of times, but the recoil kept pushing the ball back out. Naturally not enough to dislodge it, just enough to make me wonder why that sixth pull on the hammer was so doggone hard! So I just set it aside.