Keep your mind on your work!!


New member
I did a boo-Boo and forgot to charge 4 chambers on my Remmie! I had trouble seating one ball and had to trim a little off and was so frustrated, I forgot Powder! Drilling the balls out and cussin myself now!
Too overconfident that I am an old BP shooter and it comes automatic eh?
I KNOW it won't happen for a long time again!
Man do you feel stupid when you just get a pop instead of a bang!
I made an extraction tool from an old cleaning rod and a sheet metal screw. The balls aren't in there very tight. they pull out long as they don't turn during drilling. Use SLOW speed drilling!
Stupid, ZVP

be easier to pull the nipple and dribble in enough powder to fill it up and fire it.
Or use a wooded dowel or such and frive them out.
Sometimes air pressure works too.
"be easier to pull the nipple and dribble in enough powder to fill it up and fire it.Or use a wooded dowel or such and frive them out.
Sometimes air pressure works too."

A shot of lube on top of the ball and pull out with a ball puller.

Remove the nipple, install a grease zert and push it out with a grease gun.n
"be easier to pull the nipple and dribble in enough powder to fill it up and fire it.Or use a wooded dowel or such and frive them out.
Sometimes air pressure works too."

A squirt of cleaning solution on top of the ball and pull out with a ball puller.

Remove the nipple, install a grease zert and push it out with a grease gun.

I use a revolver loading stand. Powder in each chamber, next is Cream Of Wheat, COW verifies that powder is in each chamber because I can see the COW.
The couple of times this has happened I've been able to remove the nipple and tap the ball out very easily with a wooden dowel. I'm not sure if this is everyone's situation, but it was not a problem at all.

Now getting a "dry" ball out of my rifle? That was another thing entirely. I took off the nipple, put in a few grains and fired it out. I thought that it wouldn't come out very forcefully, so I shot it into a cardboard box. It went through the box and kept going, I was shocked. So, even a few grains is powerful enough to harm you. Be careful doing it this way.
Just an observation.....

One of the several reasons I always shoot alone is to minimize distractions. I believe that two people on a range is more than twice as dangerous as one person one a range.
Bicycle shops sell a CO2 cartridge device for inflating tires.
They aren't expensive and can be used to expel bullets, too.
I bought one years ago, and haven't had a single stuck bullet since.
Many ways to skin this cat !!!

Like you, I have been shooting M/L's for a long time and have certainly had my share of dry-balls. There is a correlation with the number of birthdays, one has had. Most were caused by distractions. In the early years, I too used a pinch of powder under the nipple. Then got fairly good at using a screw jag and my indestructible Range-Rod. Lately I pretty much use my CO2 discharger. ... ;)

I bought one years ago, and haven't had a single stuck bullet since.
Oh yes, they are that good and dependable. I have even used them to expel stuck and broken ramrods. .... :)

Be Safe !!!
"One of the several reasons I always shoot alone is to minimize distractions. I believe that two people on a range is more than twice as dangerous as one person one a range."

I do not visit with anyone while shooting, I am there to shoot and only that.

Pistol shooting is mental and mental interruptions are not allowed.

I do not travel 300 miles or 1,000 miles to visit.

When sitting in my chair between matches is my quiet time. I need to do what I want.

Want to visit, at the end of the last relay of the day, there is plenty of time.
Might even be a cold beer.
fdf It's a zerk. Grease zerk.

Spray some remoil (3 in 1 will do in a pinch) in the chambers from the cylinder face side. Smack the cylinder face onto a soft pine board. Inertia is your friend.
What a pain!
Had to literally drill 3 out with my B&D screwdriver/drils. Low speed and lots of control so's not to scar anything up!
Had powder in 3, I was suprised how compressed the powder ws! literally had to scrape it free and clean.
So embarassed how I got sidetracked by that high riding ball that took my mind off things!
I usually do everything by the numbers so there aren't mistakes ut they can happen so easy!
I'll be more carefull from now on!
ZVP - you did better than a Confederate sharpshooter who tried to melt the ball out of his Kerr rifle barrel. That didn't turn out too well.
Bicycle shops sell a CO2 cartridge device for inflating tires.
They aren't expensive and can be used to expel bullets, too.
I bought one years ago, and haven't had a single stuck bullet since.

I tried using my portable CO2 discharger on a loaded revolver and it would not budge the ball. I suspect the interference fit ball plus the compressed powder and filler were too much for it.

When I slug my bores, I load a ball with no powder/filler. Then I remove the nipple and use a nail to tap the ball out.

With the loaded chamber, I removed the nipple then used a small pick to dig the powder and filler out of the chamber, then used the nail to tap the ball out.

Keeping mind...

ZVP, this is a good post..!

Your oversight could save many people some trouble in the future.

We all love our black powder guns. And, thankfully, more people are joining in on it. Our muzzle-loaders are basically re-loaders.

We shoot, then do our re-loading right then and there.

Consistency is the key to safety and accuracy.

Adhere to your own specific loading technique, each time and every time, and don't stray away.

And like Doc Hoy said, "...minimize distractions..."

Doesn't matter if you are loading a small caliber pistol or a 12 pound Napoleon.

There is a reason behind all that drill...

Stay focused and have fun.