Keep your finger off the trigger...


New member
...until you're ready to shoot. Check out this video, it should serve as ample warning to everybody that the basic rules apply everywhere - keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot!

Ok, just to hopefully head off any misunderstandings, I don't think the gender of this police officer is at all relevant to anything, I didn't name the file. Overall I think most LEOs are good people who do their best at a very tough job. So, this thread is not about women, or about police officers, its about safety and the risk of accidents.
How old is this video anyway?

Sorry guys, but this one is VERY old news.
But let's get some use out of the thread anyway, huh?

HOW old is it?
I know I've been seeing it roughly every 3 months since I started reading gun forums about 2 years ago.

Can anybody put an actual DATE on it?

Dea officer

Good thing he was a professional no telling what might of happened if an idiot had a loaded firearm in the room. Where do they find these bozos?
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Where do they find them? At the Police Academy. Haven't you seen the movies?

Sadly, not all cops who have to use their guns are really gun people and as a result, NDs happen. Cops have a huge variety of tasks that they need to do very well for things to work out properly. The only thing is that few cops ever master all of the skills they need. We tend to focus on the gun aspects because we are part of a gun forum and have a particular interest in guns.

Some martial arts folks are bothered by less than great open hand skills. Psychologists often complain of a lack of proper and productive negotiation skills to help diffuse situations.

The fact of the matter is that most cops are generalists, put into a job that demands a huge variety of skills, of which they may only master a few and of those mastered, not all necessarily pertain to work on the street.