Keep practicing those head shots......

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There are many synthetics and many synthetic labs, and there is at least one man who makes a living just formulating new drugs and selling the 'patents'.

This stuff is not only far more dangerous, since it is manufactured by barrel lots of chemicals, not grown in the fields, there is no limit to production. It's harder to interdict something that can be sourced literally anywhere, takes up the space of a bathroom to produce.

Messing with dopamine levels is a recipe for disaster. Many psychotropic drugs are dopamine modifiers and psychotropics are prone to cause permanent damage, serious, unending, permanent damage to brain and nerve tissues. When you screw up on prescription psychotropics it is generally something minor, like a permanent tremor or say, maybe insanity, but these things add horrible complications. all you have to see to prove that is just look at some of the people around you who have had long term drug or alcohol problems, everyone of you knows somebody, someone who has spent twenty or thirty years drinking since you knew him in high school.

These people, these animals who are putting this stuff out for people to consume are just beyond tolerance. Ever since the first hippie smoked the first joint in some smelly flat in san francisco we have been fighting drugs, but it's just gotten exponentially worse because there are people who will spend the money and there are people who will take it.

BTW, the dissolution of muscle fibers is also caused by a genetic defect, it's really nasty. The muscles break down after being overused and you have billions of cells spilled into the blood stream. That isn't good.

If there is anything, really, anything at all that an individual can do to hamper the drug trade, it's a step. Don't let that stuff go on in your life or neighborhood.
Makes you want to move your personal security zone from 21 feet to 600 yards, don’t it?
In all seriousness be prepared.
I think the worst part about it is that some people are unknowingly getting marijuana that is laced with other drugs. Unfortunately, my buddy's little brother smoked some bad marijuana that really messed him up. He was in the University of Virginia on a scholarship and had to drop out. His brain chemistry is all messed up and the doctors are trying to find the right cocktail to straighten him out. He was suicidal at a point and knows that he really messed up his life.

These synthetics are really crazy. I recently read that 55 lbs. of fentanyl was seized. 3mg is enough to kill an average sized adult male.
I think the worst part about it is that some people are unknowingly getting marijuana that is laced with other drugs. Unfortunately, my buddy's little brother smoked some bad marijuana that really messed him up. He was in the University of Virginia on a scholarship and had to drop out. His brain chemistry is all messed up and the doctors are trying to find the right cocktail to straighten him out. He was suicidal at a point and knows that he really messed up his life.

These synthetics are really crazy. I recently read that 55 lbs. of fentanyl was seized. 3mg is enough to kill an average sized adult male.

That's probably what happened to a best friend. The guy was brilliant in school, we met in Chemistry lab and were fast buds. Later, he was in engineering school and all of a sudden, he was a different person.

I found out from his sister that he had been a heavy drug user in college. I was shocked......had I known I wouldn't have hung out with him at all. Anyway, his IQ seemed to dive 50 points. You couldn't even have a conversation with him.

He's better now but lives at home with his mother. Gone are his plans to be an engineer and I had to stop getting his help on projects, he was reduced to brute labor but only if told exactly what to do and how to do it. I think he's still affected as he bought a literal rust bucket of a truck and honestly believes he can "fix it up." I suspect he's on disability and I know he sees a state doctor.

Still, no one held a gun to his head and made him put chemicals into his body. It's a risk people take with drugs and the costs can be high. Me, I enjoy getting high too but only the ways God intended. We are born with all the dopamine we need, and we release that via helping others, exercise, and extreme sports. I'll stick with those three.
I have experience with a case that stunned even myself. Guy smoked K2, had a problem, spent time in a coma, awakened with SEVERE ALL AROUND DAMAGE, and his reaction to his huge, permanent damage was to stop using synthetics and go 'all natural'.

He was at the time trying to claim disability benefits because now he has snot for brains and severe damage to his motor skills.

People sometimes start out with 'good intentions', only a joint or two on weekends, but a year later they're spraying raid in their eyes and spraying their rolling papers with scotch guard.

Don't forget, if you can buy a synthetic over the counter at one of 'those stores', it's perfectly safe. They can't sell anything that could hurt you, right? No risk there.
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