The E-Z fit is a perfectly good idea. You just want to be sure you are doing what you really want with it? The E-Z fit provides an alternative fitting method to having to cut or scrape over-size link lugs to fit a gun. I believe it also comes with a bushing that is pre-fit on the inside.
The potential problems for you would lie in whether you are trying to us the E-Z fit as part of a conventional accurizing process or are trying to get out of fitting the slide and frame? In the former case I don't see a problem with it. In the latter case, the E-Z fit will let you get firm lock-up with a slide and frame that aren't tight. However, for bulls eye accuracy you should still fit the slide and frame first. Slide and frame fitting improves the tendency of the gun to recoil the same way each time and not to shift the recoil axis as fouling collects or as the magazine stack shortens. It may only amount to 5-10% of the total accuracy improvement a tightened gun achieves, but with a bulls eye gun, you take every advantage you can get.
If you don't have a lug cutter, get the E-Z fit. If you have access to a cutter and an adjustable reamer for the bushing, you can buy Kart's standard barrel configuration for about $40 less. It comes with the bushing too tight inside and out.
Personally, I am more comfortable fitting the bushing inside myself. I haven't seen one of the Kart pre-fit jobs, so I'm not speaking against them. I just know it is possible to split thousandths with the tools I already have, and haven't wanted to give that up. I don't think you are likely see the difference on target without an immense statistical sample, but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeing to know the thing is as close as I can make it.