Karl "The Mailman" Malone

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
There is another reason Karl Malone is called the mailman... He is a shooter like us!
I have never really liked Karl... But on the news tonight there was a report that Karl is pro-gun.

Well - not enough to get me to watch a Jazz Game... But its still pretty cool...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I knew he was an outdoorsman, but I didn't know he was pro-gun. This is good. I don't agree with his court tactics, but he did redefine the position of power forward and is one of the best ever. I wonder what a guy his size carries? 20mm Thompson Contender with a Desert Eagle backup, probably!

Charles Barkley carries when he goes on the road. It's good to know that there are people in the public eye who are pro-gun...especially as outspoken as these two are!
It's enough to make me want to buy a Karl Malone jersey, despite the fact that I've never watched more that 2 minutes of any basketball game. What's his number?
Vol. 6, No. 44 11/12/99
NBA star Karl Malone (Utah Jazz) is the latest celebrity to lend his name and face to NRA's "I'm The NRA" ad campaign, joining the ranks of Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan, Hall of Fame receiver and U.S. Representative Steve Largent, All-American quarterback and U.S. Representative J.C. Watts, Jr., Virginia Governor James Gilmore, best-selling author Tom Clancy, actors Tom Selleck and Brad Johnson, and, of course, Academy Award-winning actor and NRA President Charlton Heston. Malone's ad is running in this week's Time magazine, and in it he states, "About the only thing I'd rather do than play basketball is hunt. There's nothing like enjoying the great outdoors with my friends and family. Plus the challenge posed by the superior senses of your game. I grew up hunting in Louisiana and I think it's a tradition we should pass on." His ad has already raised some criticism from anti-gun extremists, and The Salt Lake Tribune reported this week that a small, local organization called Utahns Against Gun Violence (UAGV) has questioned Malone's decision to be featured in the ad. Salt Lake City attorney Steve Gunn, who heads UAGV, commented, "I just hope he knows what he's talking about, but I doubt that he does....I doubt anyone will take him too seriously." Malone was also quoted in the same article as saying, "You can take away a lot of things from Karl Malone, but his guns, that's not one of them." One other person has apparently taken great displeasure with the new ad -- according to Malone, Rosie O'Donnell has said he is not welcome on her show because of his NRA membership. Given the depth of ignorance of the gun issue she displayed during her earlier ambush of Tom Selleck on her show (see FAX Alert Vol. 6, No. 19), O'Donnell has good reason to fear a debate with any other pro-gun celebrities. Or perhaps the public condemnation she received from the general public and other celebrities for her unwarranted attack on Mr. Selleck has made her a little nervous. Whatever the reason, if you would like to comment on Rosie's attempt to muzzle pro-gun celebrities and to stifle free speech, here are some points of contact:

The Rosie O'Donnell Show

Telephone (212) 506-3200

Fax (212) 506-3249

Website http://rosieo.warnerbros.com/

E-mail TheROsie@aol.com


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944

I may even forgive him for attempting to steal the championship from my beloved Bulls. Well, actually I won't EVER do that, but it's still a nice gesture on his part. :)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I guess he is a trophy for the NRA, but he don't represent me, thankyou. He has stated that "reasonable" controls on gun ownership should be accepted. He only comprehends the 2nd from the hunter sportsman perspective which is total BS. He is on record against "assault weapons"- got one? I do. Screw him and the NRA mule who rode him into my town. Adios mon tall guy!
G - dont be so hard on the guy... A face like his on an NRA ad does a world of good.
I mean really - besides Tom and Charlton, what other celebrity do you see with an I'm the NRA motto?

For many folks to stand on the gun side, is to stand in front of the PC firing squad.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I agree with George.

Mr. Malone is a role model for many, many people. When he speaks out, it brings fence-sitters to our side. Let him help us.

If Malone does not agree with us totally, as G-Freeman points out, we still may be able to convert Malone to reality when he feels the backlash from the anti-gunners.

Finally, let's not be too quick to cast the first stone. Remember, many of us on TFL compromise our Second Amendment when we vote for the "lesser" gun control of the Republicans in an honest effort to fight the total gun control of the Democrats.

(And let's save THAT running battle for another, later thread! :D)
We got guys from football and basketball. Now we just need to get Cal Ripken Jr. to endorse NRA. G Freeman, point noted and agreed - however I'll take something over nothing at present - on balance this helps more than hurts with the war against the sheeple.