Kansas CCW


New member
CCW for Kansans appears to be headed to the chopping blocks.

The anti's keep useing the same old reteric. I am convinced that some of these nay sayers still believe the world is flat.

Kansans urge your Senators to endorse the bill.

Topeka Capitol Journal:


House OKs concealed guns

The Associated Press

Even if the Legislature passes a bill to let Kansans carry hidden handguns, Gov. Bill Graves is expected to veto it. And, supporters don't have enough votes to override a veto.

The House voted 76-48 Thursday to pass a bill that would allow citizens with clean records and proper training to be issued a four-year license to carry concealed handguns.

Two years ago, Graves vetoed a similar bill, and he hasn't changed his view on the issue, a spokesman for the governor said.

It takes 84 votes to override a veto in the House, and it is doubtful supporters of the bill could muster that number.

The bill goes to the Senate, where the Federal and State Affairs Committee will consider the measure next Thursday along with another House-passed bill to prevent local governments from suing gunmakers.

Chairwoman Lana Oleen, R-Manhattan, who opposes concealed weapons, said she had no idea whether her committee would send the bill to the Senate for debate.

If the bill makes it to the chamber, Senate President Dick Bond, R-Overland Park, said it would be a close call as to whether it could pass. Bond said he opposes the bill but added, "Everybody knows where they are going to be on the bill."

Senate Majority Leader Tim Emert, R-Independence, said the concealed gun bill Graves vetoed passed the chamber 22-18, and he doesn't see the vote changing much.

But Bond and Emert both said there is no way to muster the needed 27 votes to override a veto by Graves.

The bill was pitched in the House as measure to improve safety for Kansans, especially women, by making criminals think twice before attacking someone.

Critics say it puts more guns on the streets and results in more gun-related deaths and shootings.

Copyright 1999 The Topeka Capital-Journal
Our former Texas Governor, Ms. Ann (Don't Let Annie Get Your Guns) Richards would not permit the CHL proposal to come to a public vote. She actually said that she didn't care what the people wanted, there would be no concealed gun law in her state!

1) Next election, we showed the "lady with all the hair" that it wasn't "her" state.

2) George Bush said he would sign a CHL law as soon as it hit his desk. He was elected by a landslide, kept his word, and signed it.

Sooo... Guess y'all need a new Governor!

Isn't it you flat-landers that came up with the saying, "Vote early. Vote often"?

:) Good luck, folks.

BTW, this is not a flat-out endorsement of "Little George". His Daddy lied to us and "blood tells".
Try a referendum and get it but on an unimportant election day like with bond issues. The Gov. can't veto it. If the people vote against it then that is fine, majority rules provided it does not violate civil rights.
Thanks JeffOTMG. I have been reading and studying on just that sort of approach.

I have found a person may petition for a vote on local city ordinances. If passed, it may not be overturned by the city or amended for a specified period. After the specified period, it may only be changed if allowed by popular vote.