The CCW issue was brought up the first year Sebeilus was in office, but since she vetoed it, they won't bring it up again while she is Guv. All the more reason to get her out of Topeka. This was not too surprising since she is such pals with Hillary.
If all of us 2nd ammendment & CCW supporters here in KS would get together & vote against her and the likes of her, then Johnson & Sedgwick county would lose the supposed advantage they claim.
Remember, we all have to "fight the soft fight" as I've heard it put. We ALL must stay in touch with our legislators on a continuing basis.
Go listen to them when they are having a meeting in your area.
Drop them a line when this, or other issues arise.
I do this on a regular basis, and its surprising when they walk into my place of business or we meet somewhere, they know my name.
I heard a Judge make a statement in court the other day, he said
" Government works best when its being watched".
He earned my respect that day.
Late edit: I just read in the Wichita paper today (Sunday)that SB-195 (?) was passed & among other things,will allow retired LEO's to carry. I feel like we common citizens have been discriminated against!
It also stated that no county or city shall pass more stringent gun laws that what the state has on the books. It also said that Cities or counties shall decide who has the right to carry. I'm not a lawyer, but how can that be if the state doesnt pass CCW?
I read several articles today in Wichita, Hays & Salina papers that dealt with these issues, along with one that stated that NRA is gathering steam in convincing the wiz kids in Washington that maybe if citizens were armed maybe incidents like Tyler Tx, and other recent shootings might have been avaided
You're in Salina?
I don't blame ya for wanting CCW....