Kansas bill disallowing city suits against gunmakers...


New member
Kansas is going the way of Georgia - maybe. Here's the <a href="http://cjonline.com/stories/021799/cyb_gunmakers.shtml">story.</a> Any other states looking at this? I've been pressing Colorado lawmakers, but nothing yet...

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited February 17, 1999).]
There are a couple of bills being introduced in the Louisiana legislature that would put an end to the type of lawsuits brought by New Orleans against gun manufacturers and vendors. Fortunately, we have a very pro-gun governor down here, Mike Foster, who went on record against the New Orleans suit right away.
He has promised his support of these measures and their passage looks promising. They would also be retroactive, which would effectively end the New Orleans suit. Mayor Marc Morial was understandably upset by this development. Along with the revelation of his gun swap with Glock and the fact that some of the firearms involved in that trade were still needed as evidence in pending criminal prosecutions, da' mayor is not a happy camper!
What he promised the public to be a "no cost" legal action with a lot of pie-in-the-sky results has proven to be an ongoing exercise of wiping egg off his face.