Kalifornians Let's Registered those AW


New member
I say we have some fun. Let's send in those registration forms and register them in the name of your favorite anti-gun politician or media darling. Put the address as the State Capitol. Or you can just right a big NO WAY across the form. Either way, maybe we can generate enough paperwork to drown that *($*#&*( bastard Lockyear in his own crapulence.
Mute, that's what the Canajuns have been doing: writing NEVER across the forms and sending them back.


"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
Mute thats the one of the best ideas i've heard in a long time.Does someone offer them at case prices? :) Hopefully the state pays the postage. Maybe stamp it with the Second Amendment, I think they have forgotten it. Or at least ask what part of no infringement do they not understand?

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited January 22, 2000).]
If the State will pay the stamp that would be the ultimate kicker. I like to see those morons in Sacramento try to explain why the State is tossing so much taxpayer's money into this mess.
Where on the net can you download these forms?

Gun control started the Revolutionary War!..."itcta alea est"
Excellent idea! If you make them convincing enough it will eat up a lot of man-hours of processing time as well as postage (if they are indeed prepaid). I wouldn't write the Second Amendment or anything else so obvious on them since these will be quickly thrown away.

Are there other places to obtain these forms than from police departments?

Keep in mind that it MAY be a violation of law to provide false information on these forms and send them in. But this is what civil disobedience is all about. Just take some precautions. Don't let it be known that you've grabbed a whole bunch of these forms. Also, you may want to send them from towns you don't live in. Remember that handwriting is like a fingerprint. Speaking of that, I'd suggest wearing gloves when handling them.

Yes, maybe it's paranoid, but they may want to make an example.
You may be correct, providing false information on those forms may be against one or several laws. I would definitely advise all not to do it!

I would also advise all not to fill in any anti-gun elected officials names along with made up guns and serial numbers. I would certainly never advise anyone to fill in any names of contributors to HCI along with the false gun information. I have heard of some Canadians that have done these things though. Now the Canadian gun registration program is running in the red, big time, and they have all these pro-gun folks to blame for it.

Shameful. ;)


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Hey, can non-KaliFornyans play too?

Maybe we could all just make up bogus "official" looking registration forms, and send them to the correct address. Their mail room would just love us! :rolleyes:

Another thing we can do is register our autos, lawnmowers, pencils, pens, pillows, power tools, hockey sticks, etc.

[This message has been edited by jcoyoung (edited January 24, 2000).]
I think everyone should have the chance to have some fun on this. However, I would take RMc's advise on making sure it can't be traced.

Personally, I'd go for making it look as legitimate as possible. Imagine the look of suprise when Lockyear gets a letter from his own office telling him to pay his registration fees for his AWs. :D

Also imagine how pissed off some bureacrat is going to get when he can't tell the real forms from the fake ones.
How 'bout somebody from Kalif scan one of those dreaded registration forms and post it somewhere on the 'net. A couple of choice modifications, Kalifornia instead of California perhaps, and everyone can register their tennis rackets, baseball bats, chainsaws, Phalanx Anti-Anti-Gunner System, etc. ;)