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Just a quick reminder of Stupid In Action . Kalifornia is suffering from numerous forest fires at this time . Resources are spread very thin . The firefighters are doing the best they can . Sooooooooo here's Stupid In Action . Since one of the areas that is fiercely ablaze now is designated as protected wilderness the firefighters are allowed only the equipment that they can carry on their backs .
The bulldozers and other heavy equipment are not allowed in this pristine enviornment . Why ??? Well, because they may damage the trees !!! Think about it .......

Yeah. Same mentality as, "To save the village we had to destroy it."

I've fought both forest fires and brush fires - don't care to do it again. Wouldn't even try without heavy equipment.

Ref your thread title: You may have given them a break! (I'm thinking Criminally Stupid! Grrr!)
Had a good friend who was a NYS Forest Ranger go out there about 10 or so years ago to fight fires.

He said they came upon a burned out cabin and were told that they would have to pack out the material as it was a wilderness area. After a brief mutiny, the idea was dropped.

He also said that equipment was buried after use so it would not have to be packed out miles to base camps as no motor vehicles were allowed in the area to transport it.

He said he couldn't believe the waste of equipment much of it new being discarded this way.
Actually, that's pretty standard practice all accross the U.S., federal and most states.
Think about it some more.
It is also kind of stupid to fight fires in areas set aside for pure preservation value. They just let the fire go through and let the effect be what it turns out to be. Yes, they might stop a fire believed to be man made with simple means if there was nothing better for them to do and more likely still if they thought it was a bad time of year for the fire, but maybe not.
Why wouldn't these fire fighters focus their efforts on places where something of economic value is at stake? Then maybe the they would earn there keep from the people of Kalifornia. Maybe that's what their boss wants them to do.
"Since one of the areas that is fiercely ablaze now is designated as protected wilderness the firefighters are allowed only the equipment that they can carry on their backs ."

Actually, if its such a protected area meant to be preserved in its natural state at all costs, they shouldn't even be there fighting the fire in the first place. They should just let it burn. Fire is natural and necessary to a healthy forest.
That's true.

I remember (at least from Australia) that certain trees were dropping seed pods that only OPEN when heated by fire.
