Kalifornia Legal?


I know that there is not much legal in the state of Kaliforn-I-A, but what WOULD be considered legal in the "assault" style rifle?

I know that an assault rifle is a term for a full auto military rifle, so we don't need to get into any word games about that. I'm sure that everyone here knows exactly what I mean.

I know that there are dozens of restrictions on semi-autos, but are there any on single actions? Say someone had an AK or AR with the gas port welded off making it a single action, would it then be able to have the pistol grip and other goodies?
Go to packing.org, linky to California's gun laws and read up on what you can have (not much).

Mostly the restriction is on named receivers coupled with the accessories. If you wanted to add a pistol grip to a Brown Bess, I don't think anyone would have a problem with it. And most people are aware of the fact that the musket was the first propellant "assault weapon" ever created but there are no restrictions against them - just the AR variants.

What I don't get is why people keep trying to circumvent the restrictions? Yeah, the 2a is supposed to give us the RKBA but in reality the law says you can't have "X" type of guns in California. Until the law is changed, trying to finesse your way around it is only gonna do 2 things. Prove that gun owners are irresponsible crazies and, 2, get your butt hauled off to jail.