Kalifornia gun registration


New member
I plan on buying my first AR in less than two months and am concerned about registering it. Kalifornia says all "military type" weapons need to be registered and when SB23 passes that will call for registering all those evil assault weapons. My question is, would I have to register it? Since a lot of people didnt register them before would they know if I own one or not? My intention is no to do anything illegal, I just dont wnat them comin' for my AR.

"When the Second Amendment is lost, the second revolution begins."
I've been keeping up with the language of the bill as it is amended. AFAIK, your only legal option to registering it is to keep it disassembled (or store it out of state). Unlike language in other provisions, it does not say anything about "can readily be restored." IMO, if it doesn't have a grip, it can't be considered a rifle that has "A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath
the action of the weapon."

I wouldn't be surprised if Bushmaster, et al, were working on grips that complied with the letter of the law.

However, the thing hasn't passed yet! I'm writing a letter to all of the CA legislature pointing out that SB 23 is a blatant violation of the constitution, using the criteria set forth in the Supreme Court Miller ruling, and pointing out instances in which the Court has affirmed that "the people" in the 2nd amendment means all citizens and individuals associated with our country.
I may get flamed for this, but DON'T register it, no matter what the "law" states.

Practice civil disobedience for unconstitutional laws.


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

I agree. I'm hoping to see zero compliance. Ship it out of state, if you have to. But don't register it!

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 03, 1999).]
Thanks for the replies guys, you have some good points. But would the gun grabbing Kalifornia DOJ know I own an AR? Im woried about them using dealer records or using the NICS to get to me.

"When the Second Amendment is lost, the second revolution begins."
You mean the AR you sold to Bob Smith, or the one that you sold to that pawn shop in Los Angeles or was it San Francisco, I dont quite remember. Thats what happened to mine.
Under current California law, only handgun serial numbers are recorded with the Department of Justice. DOJ is prohibited from recording long guns. However, there is of course a record of the purchase and a trip by the DOJ or BATF to your dealer can come up with what you purchased, etc.

Bruce Stanton
7-4-99 321 PM edt It would seem to me the solution is simple. Do not buy registered guns. A unregistered sporting shotgun or rifle is better than a registered high capacity firearm if you cannot get a unregistered ar or ak. Private sales are better by far.