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I am looking at buying a compact 9mm.I am wondering about opinions on the Kal tec 9 and the taurus PT-111.The price is not that much different maybe 30 -40 bucks,I am looking for any opinions on these guns.I am also wondering what rounds you all carry for self defense in 9mm.Thanks in advance for any info.

I couldn't help you much on the handgun question, but myself and the few around me who own guns use Federal hydrashock for personal defense ammo... I like them because I know if I shoot at someone in my home I can trust that it won't go through the perp and into my daughter's bedroom. Of course there are those that don't care for hollow points, I won't use anything else... Well, except for targets... lol, then I just get whatever is cheap. Seriosuly, beyond getting something that won't endanger others in your home, I think it is all dependant on placement, not your ammo, so... Hope that helps, I'm sure someone here could go into alot more detail for you, though.
I've had a Kel-Tec p11 for about a year. Its a very nice gun -- but it takes some work to become proficient with it. (THe Taurus takes more work.)

Check out WWW.KTOG.ORG -- the Kel-Tec Owner's Group -- a private forum of Kel-Tec users. You'll learn everything you want to know about improving, fixing, etc., There a list of common problems and how to avoid them, how to "gunsmith" the gun yourself, etc.

Mine works flawlessly. The long trigger pull takes some getting used to. (Most of the people I know who have tried the Taurus say you can't get used to its trigger pull.)
The P-908 is a very competent weapon and nothing like the Taurus PT-111 about which the question was first asked. I like Golden Sabres, too, and use them in all three of the guns I sometimes carry.

Until you've tried a PT-111 you don't know what rough trigger pull is. A Kel-Tec is a very long DAO pull, but it can be quite smooth. If you follow the "fluff & buff" instructions from the KTOG website, it WILL be smooth.

(Compare the Kel-Tec P11 and the Taurus PT-111 and you'll see that the Taurus is an obvious copy of the Kel-Tec, with a safety added [of questionable value].)

My personal experience with the PT-111 was interesting: at my local range, a man and his wife came in with the newly purchased gun. They had bought it on looks, not even trying to dry fire it at the gun store.

Forty-five minutes later the woman came out, having fired it 4-5 times. The trigger pull was so heavy she simply couldn't do it; she was exhausted.

The range manager (it also has a gun shop) tried disassembling it for her, and found that the manual was not correct. He called Taurus and got some "gee, any idiot can strip this gun" comments from the customer service rep until, "oops. The manual is wrong. You need to pull the trigger, turn the gun upside down, etc., etc."

They took the gun back, got a refund, and bought a very small glock in 9mm.
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