Kahr questions

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I'm going to be getting a new gun within the next couple of weeks and I'm trying to narrow down and decide what I want. The only brand that I'm looking at that I have absolutely no experience with is the Kahr. I have been thinking for some time about picking up a Kahr K9. I like the feel of the K9 better than the shorter butt of the MK9 and I think that in a gun this size, I would really rather have a 9 than a .40. My question here is who owns one and what kind of gun has it been? Is it reliable? Durable? Have you put a good number of rounds down range? I also understand that Kahr is owned by the Moonies. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but that really doesn't have anything to do with the guns performance. Thanks in advance.
I have the MK9 and don't feel the need for another defensive handgun. It shoots much better than I do and is easy to control with 115 grain CorBon. I like it because I can hide it almost anywhere on me. The only concern I had was the gun had a tendency to shoot low and to the left but after a 200 round break in period it shot to point of aim. I have put about 500 rounds downrange with NO malfunctions of anykind. ZIP--even during the break in period. Some people don't care for the weight but their is a polymer version of the K9 out soon. Try a search for Kahr on this board and you'll get a wealth of opinions--both pro and con.

Rent one if you can and try it for yourself...
Excellent Gun...in all aspects, many departments are authorizing Kahrs as backup, and off duty weapons...NUFF Said.
I own them ,I shoot them. A great choice if you go that way..you will not regret it.

As to Moonies...the comapny is owned by Justin Moon, son of you guest it Sun-Yung Moon...but has no connection or ties with father or church group....did they provide some initial money to start the parent company and other holdings of this nice fella, probably, do they have anything to say about what goes on..NOPE.
They just bought Auto Ordinance, and now own the rights to the Thompson Machine gun...there CORE buisness is CNC machineing...that's how they got into making auto pistols...I have met Justin, and I trust my associates who deal with him in the industry...they have confronted him, and asked him questions about his assoc. with Unification church...they came away with the impression that Justin does not share his fathers beleifs, nor do they shy away with dealing with his company...Nor should you.

Hope this helps. WOLF
Greetings, sir. I own a Kahr K9 and have fired thousands of rounds through it. Mine required a short break-in before it would reliably feed Cor*Bon 115s, but after that it feeds anything at all. The sights were well-regulated from the factory and it will group. I carried it during my last 2 years before retiring from a 25 year police career as a backup gun. I had and have faith in it.
While I don't shoot it quite as much now, I frequently use it as a "loaner" in Texas CHL classes and it's easily operated by persons with less knowledge than those frequenting this board. In short, I think they are very well made arms. best.
I bought the MK9 to replace my Walther PPK as my ankle gun and I am very happy with it. So happy in fact that I bought the K40 Covert a couple of weeks ago. The small versions do have a stout recoil, which is why I went to the Covert in .40 rather than an MK40. Think of them as flat, high capacity, revolvers.
Lewis , I own a nickel K40
its a great gun but stick to the
9mm. The .40 recoils like a mule.
I am going to buy a 9mm in the
Kahr , myself. Be sure to get the
"ELITE" version , shorter trigger
pull means more accuracy. The 17oz.
.90" width P9 (polymer 9mm) will be out
in two months. The P9 is the ticket!

"No Tailgating!"
I've found the recoil on the MK40 stout, but not unpleasant. My wife (small hands, recoil sensitive) had to shoot it for the first time in a class when her SIG P230 started malfing. Even she likes it, but sticks with the extended spare magazine for most of her shooting for the extra finger on the grip.

Try putting skateboard tape on the frontstrap if you find it twisting out of your hands (especially when they're sweaty). Works wonders with the flush mag/two finger grip.
Tell ya all a little story here. In 1995, when the Kahr K9 was announced, I looked at my S&W 60 CCW gun and said: What would anyone want a Kahr for when he could buy two of these for the same money? So I wrote Kahr, and told them that, in some detail. Almost a year later I got a phone call from Justin Moon. He had read my letter, thought about the points I had made, shown it to people in the plant, and now wanted me to shoot the gun and decide from experience whether I was justified in my criticisms. Kahr shipped me not one, but three guns, a K9, E9 and one of the first K40's. Plus about a thousand rounds of ammuntion. I shot the guns forward and backwards, upside down and sideways, fast and slowly. I let friends shoot them. In the end, I had to write Justin an apology. The Kahr guns aren't just good, they're GRRREAT. I bought all three of the test guns, couldn't bear to return them.
The K9 and K40 shoot alike (I actually found the 40 to have slightly less felt recoil than the 9, with some loads.) The guns are chunky. They feel heavier than they really are. They are built like a bank vault. In about 2200 rounds in three guns, I have NEVER HAD AN ALIBI. They shoot a bit low for me at combat ranges, but I have learned to live with that. They have the smoothest DAO trigger I have ever felt. If you get the stainless or nickel full-sized Kahr...you will be very well served. Mine were all blue and will need a good anti-corrosion refinish one of these days, if they ever show any wear.... slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
I bought my first Kahr last year....the Elite98 K9. The primary reason I purchased this little pistol was because it looked so freakin' sexy. Didn't know anything else about it. Then I took it to the range, and fell in love....hard. It is still my favourite 9mm and outshoots everything I own with the exception of a couple 1911s. AA few months later I purchased a K40 covert, which, was a little more difficult for me to shoot accurately. The .40 recoil is a bit snappy.

You cannot go wrong with a Kahr. I prefer the "full-sized" models, due to the great ergonomics, balance, and accuracy. I prefer the shiny-sided Elite stainless finish over the nickel or matte stainless. The blackened and blue finishes detract from the prettiness of this weapon. Hey, for the money you have to fork out, you might as well go for broke.

I can't wait for the P9 to come out.... I've always been leery of polymer guns, even after purchasing a Glock 23. However, a recent HK USP has made me a true believer. As for the Moonie connection, think about all of the other companies out there who are secretely being controlled by religious sources.
As I've stated in the past: I've owned two K9s in the past & both were TOTALLY unreliable. The first would jam on Cor-Bons regularly. The 2nd was a nightmare. Sent it back to the factory TWICE! It would mysteriously "freeze" 1/2 cocked & not reset. They finally determined the striker channel was over-spec & "gutted" the gun. It still shot like ***t! Traded for a SIG. Also, it jammed on Cor-Bons. Maybe I'm cursed. I loved the ergonomics but reliabilty was not there. Wish they'd send me a test gun!
Thanks for all the responses, I've been away for a few days due to computer problems and could not respond until now. I did get a kahr. An aquaintance needed some money and sold me an E9 for $300. It has some wear from carry on the outside but looks new inside. I'm taking it to the range tommorrow and then to the gunsmith for teflon coating. Overall investment wil be $395, so if it shoots as good as you all say, I will be greatly please. If this one works good for the next few months, I might buy a new one around Christmas. Thanks again.
lewis, congratulations. If you buy a new Kahr, definitely consider stainless, with night sights. The rigors of daily carry will soon amaze you with the amount of rust produced on a blued pistol.

You're gonna like that pistol.
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