Kahr Question


New member
I received the question listed below via e-mail from a co-worker and I
don't know anything about the Kahr...you comments would be appreciated.

"What do you think of Kahr Arms? I am considering either their K9 or P9
(essentially a K9 with polymer frame). It's a DA only, internal striker.
I think it's 7 plus 1 capacity. My brother has one and I shot it and really liked it."

Any thoughts?
Kahr is great.

I got my P9 a month ago and have put a few hundred rounds through it with no problems. It is such a light weapon that it surprises you at how little recoil it has coupled with great accuracy.

I'd say to go for it, you won't be disapointed.
I have an early model K9. Although I did have some problems with the gun, Kahr corrected them without question and while they had the gun they replaced a couple of extra parts, for cosmetic reasons.

I'd say go for it too. The K9 is a very, accurate, reliable and soft shooting pistol for it's size. The P9 is the same only in a lightweight package.

Mark / FL
I have a K40 with Black-T finish, K9 stainless elite, and MK9 stainless elite, all with night sights. The MK9 is now my default carry gun. Very good guns. Reliable and accurate. The MK9 is remarkably accurate for such a short sight radius. They are quite thin, making them easy to conceal. I carry the MK9 either in an IWB holster (sometimes a tuckable holster) or a pocket holster.

I recommend the elite models, as they have a shorter trigger pull. Note that the trigger pull and trigger reset is significantly longer than a Glock. But the trigger is also much smoother than a Glock. I have 2 Glocks, but prefer my Kahrs. YMMV.

The K40 is a bit uncomfortable for me to shoot, but the K9 and MK9 are quite nice. I haven't tried a P9 (not available in Massachusetts...).

The standard matte finish has been described as being not very protective, so I'd recommend the stainless models.

Tell him to go for it.

I have a K9 in stainless. Excellent little gun, I highly recommend it. I only have about 1000 rounds through it, but it has proven to be very accurate, well built, and has never had a failure to fire, jam, etc.
A very good choice for CCW that is also fun to target shoot and plink with.
Tell him to go for it.
There's only two Kahrs in my garage now.:) The P9 was sold this weekend, along with some others, as my priorities have changed.

There is nothing 'wrong' with the P9, per say, and I would not hesitate to endorse it. It does not have the same hand-filling grip profile of the steel models, being much thinner and flat-sided. Recoil is barely snappier vs. the K9, with standard loads. Noticeable more when you feed it +Ps, but not uncomfortable by any means.

Tell him to go for it.
FWIW, I don't have either a P9 or a K9 (except for my Lab/Rott mix), but I do have an MK40 that is a real treasure. It's an extremely well-made gun. I think that 99.999% of what I've read on TFL and in the gun mags. has been positive concerning the company's guns. The guns ARE a bit heavy (at least the steel ones), but I think it helps the user. With my MK40, I find the recoil to be well within my tolerance level, and the same can probably, although I've never fired one, be said about the P9. (Recoil is really not an issue for me with the MK40; at first, I thought it would be much worse, but I kind of like it, and I'm no big, ham-handed lug by any means, nor am I a masochist.)

Your co-worker could do much worse than getting a Kahr, but I doubt he'll do any better.
Have a K9 that I recently purchased. About 400 round through it so far. Great gun! Very well made. Is taking me some time to get used to the DA trigger, but I'm workin' on it! :)
Ditto on the MK40. i have one that has become (stock out of the box) my all around favorite pistol to carry. this is dispite the fact i have a safe full of custom and semi custom pistols and revolvers.
the MK40 has become my American Express gun...i don't leave home with out it.
I own an Economy 9 and a K40. Either is very accurate for their size.

I started with the K40 and my opinion is the pistol has very stout recoil. This may be rerlated to the size of my hands(12). It has never missed a beat but it feels heavier in my hand than it is.

I bought the E9 at a price I couldn't refuse. The cost was $275. My early experiences with it was that it was a jam-a-matic! I had a stoppage every magazine. I didn't give up and like a miracle they ended at the magical 200 round mark. Now it never hicups and I think the E9 is a jewel.


I recently picked up a used Kahr K9 at a gun show. It's only made 2 range trips so far, but it hasn't bobbled yet. The trigger travel is a bit long, but smooth all the way through. It points very easily for me. Recoil is lighter tha I expected, probably because it is a bit heavy for it's size. The only problem I had with it was operator induced. I had a bit of trouble with the slide not locking back on an empty mag, because my thumb kept the slide stop from engaging. I adjusted my grip and had no problems.
I pick up an E9 in a trade without knowing much about Kahrs. Never had a problem with it, and it is very comfortable to shoot. I like it so much I cant bring myslef to upgrade it to a "better" Khar. I know I should buy a 2nd one, but I like to collect the old stuff and i keep finding, Model 17's, 1911's, or victory's etc........You know how it is.
I've posted often praising the P9

It is light, has a great trigger, VERY accurate, doesn't kick much (half of Keltec P11 of the same weight), would carry well. My only complaint is about the weird magazines that Kahr makes as ammo isn't all that secure in them.