Kahr P9


I've been shopping for a new gun for a while now( I'm a research junkie.) I've been looking at the Beretta Cougar, Baby Eagle, and HK USPc. I'm now, after the store next to my job was robbed, thinking about something smaller for CCW. I handled a Kahr K40 in a local shop and liked the feel of it, but I think I would prefer the P9. What are your opinions on this gun? Where can I find the best price online or catalog? The local shops in Tallahasse are usaully high on everything.

Thanks in advance,
You may wish to try http://www.arizonagunrunners.com It is my understanding that he buys as a distributor, so he can sell cheaper. He had the standard model at the last show for $429 or $419. But, after you line up an FFL in your area for a transfer, maybe the cost savings would be so close as to make it a wash.
I have one and wouldn't reccomend it. Mine after 200 rds with no problems started locking the slide open on every shot with a full magazine. Kahr arms wouldn't answer their customer service phone # for 2 days, just had a message machine. After 2 days I got an e-mail reply telling me to send the gun in for repair, they didn't offer to pay shipping on the gun which I bought new. I sent it and sent another e-mail informing them it was on the way and ask them to pay shipping. it's been 3 days no reply.

Factory defect and not very good service.

Get a glock mini 9mm. It's only a few ounces heavier and a little thicker but shorter and holds 10 rounds.

I wish I had.

If you have very small hands the grip is very nice on the p9 if you have larger hands its hard to shoot well.

Since Shiro actually OWNS a P9, I respect his opinion, but I also have to respectfully disagree and share MY experience...

I bought a Kahr P9 about 6 months ago, and fired about 100 rounds with no problems. Then I heard of others having problems with the slide locking back, and that the culprit was the slide lock lever. I checked, and sure enough, I had an "old" model, that didn't pivot on the post. I e-mailed Kahr, and a new one arrived in the mail about 4 days later, at no cost to me, with a letter of apology for my troubles! I received a similar e-mail response as well.

Previously, my wife's Kahr MK9 had rough edges on the grip, and Kahr custom fit a pair to a MK9 at their shop, and again sent them right out at no cost to me.

My Kahr has had NO problems whatsoever, and I ABSOLUTELY love the slim, light little carry pistol. I owned a Glock 27 previously, and while it is a GREAT pistol, it was too thick for me to carry comfortably. Check BOTH out for yourself, you may find, like many others do, that Glock works well for you.

I would hope that Shiro has patience, and gives Kahr a chance to make it right for him. From what I have read here, those that do send their P9 to Kahr always get it back functioning flawlessly. If he does not, and continues to dislike Kahrs, it is certainly within his right to do so. If I was in his shoes, I might even feel the same way. I sold a Springfield M1A after a similar loss-of-trust type experience.

PS... there's NOTHING wrong with being a research junkie! I also owned a Kahr K40 and MK40, both purchased because of my love of my wife's MK9... Sold both of them. I am VERY happy with the P9 I finally ended up with... (again purchased without EVER HAVING HANDLED one!)
Definately Onslaught... I do recommend the P9, even though mine brand new Polymer broke the extractor on the 4th shot out of the box.

I contacted customer service, and they had me ship it to them, and are suppose to be sending me a check for the shipping costs.

Contact Faye Newcomb @ 845-353-7770 x223 and plead your case, she seemed willing to provide really good service, and foster customer raport.

You might also speak with Dave Ducharme at 508-795-3919

Onslaught, please describe the slide lock pivot, so I can determine if mine is old or new.
I love my P9. It's accurate (have shot a few 1" 5-shot groups at 15 yds) and really nice to carry, and mine has been utterly reliable. I have not had the lock-open problem that Shiro and some others have had. I have pretty big hands, and do wish the grip were a little thicker. I sometimes carry a Hogue overgrip on it unless my carry mode du jour causes printing problems with that slightly sticky overgrip. I did take the Dremmel to the slide stop lever to round it off because it was biting my thumbs a bit during recoil, but my small-handed wife does not have that problem.

Take out your slide stop lever. Hold it by the post and spin the lever. If it spins, it's a new one... if it doesn't spin, it's the older one and should be replaced.


the AGrip, by Brooks Tactical http://www.brookstactical.com is not yet available for the P9, but should be coming soon. His response was that the more requests he gets, the faster he'll make 'em. Glock shooters swear by them. The make the grip a little bigger, a little cushier, but they don't snag your clothes like the Hogue slip on does.
Sorry, I glossed over the request for my opinion and focused on price. I shot mine well past the break-in point(200 rds.)and had NO problems. While I obviously liked the weight, I also liked the shorter Elite trigger. It provdides for faster reset of the trigger for succeeding shots. What I did not like was the flat-sided grip that was not as filling as my steel Kahrs. I was also afflicted with recoil bite from the slide stop. Had I not decided to sell it, I would've de-horned that myself.

It was as accurate as my steel ones, which is to say, excellent. I could not cause it to malfunction from limp-wristing, no matter how I tried. I also covered it with sand and fired it through a whole mag, and a reload w/o issue.:) While some have certainly experienced teething pains, I would not discourage you from buying one.
Thanks, Onslaught. Saw a post to that effect the other day but I didn't follow up. Guess I need to fire off a letter in support.
I have a P9 and love it. It is easily the most comfortable carry pistol out there. 8 rounds and weighs 17 oz. It's unbelievable that it shoots so accurately. I load mine with Speer 124 +p Gold dots...it really likes those.
Onslaught.... Thanks... I remember seeing something like about that, and yes, I have the new one...

I am dehorning me slide lock as we speak... It's pretty bulky...

Yes, When I sent it in to have nite sights installed, I also had them install the slide lock back fix as a proactive measure (I never had a problem). For some reason, when they put the slide lock lever back in it didn't quite fit as well as before. This resulted in the loose fitting lever moving and on the last round it would impact the magazine follower just to the side of the follower button right on the plastic part.

I called and they diagnosed the problem by my description. He states that if you can grab the slide lock and it moves in and out ever so slightly, it needs to be replaced with a tighter slide lock. Kahr is sending me a new slide lock and two new mags (I think I can still use the other two as well).

Thanks for your advice and guidance.