Kahr P9 Worth customizing?


I have decided to bite the bullet and purchase a P9.
The question is whether I should spend an additional 250.00 dollars or so on customizing the weapon i.e. trigger, action, polish throat ramp, bevel mag/ejection port?
I am inclined to fire 200 to 300 rounds first to see what happens. I guess I wonder if the extra bucks will be worth peace of mind in reliability?
LOL.. your kidding right? You want to customize a gun you haven't even fired. Now I now how all those 1911 gunsmiths stay in business.

he he he he


I don't think you will need to go that route - at least not until you shoot the P9 and test the reliability. The trigger is smooth and it has a shorter pull than the regular K9's (Elite trigger). The only customizing I have done was to install a set of Trijicon night sights and a Haart's recoil reducer. If you are right handed, you might want to round off the slide release. I have heard that it is sharp and affects righties. Not a prob since I'm a southpaw.
The only mod I have done to mine is the addition of the Hogue Handall Jr. which made the pistol feel a %1000 better to me. The grip was a bit small for my hand. It has been completely reliable so far and the trigger was pretty smooth out of the box. I don't think it would be worth your money to spend it on the mods you mentioned. The slide release is pretty treacherous as mentioned. You might have it dehorned. Other than that, enjoy.
Don't do anything with it until you've had it awhile. They come out of the box with good quality wormanship so what would you customize?
I had the same idea when I first bought mine. Ported barrel, sprinco recoil reducer, trigger job, and especially a lower profile slide stop. But, I went to the range the first time and WOW, no need for anything. It is the softest recoiling auto I have fired period. The trigger is really quick and smoooth. The slide stop doesn't pinch, get in the way or anything. In short I am totally happy out of the box. Only thing I want is a heine sight, I flush fit magazine would be sweet.
i would highly recommend shooting it before you spend more money on it. the P9 i bought was completely unusable because the slide locks back almost every shot. it has been at the factory for a couple of weeks -- when it comes back, maybe it will work.

if you start customizing it, then kahr might well blame any problems on the customizations. in any event, there's no point in spending more on it till you've proven to yourself that it works.
When did you purchase your pistol? Supposedly the Oct.2000 run was the group with the slide stop spring problem. Just curious. Thanks
i bought it at the end of december. it could be that the particular pistol i bought had been on the shelf since before they fixed it. nonetheless, i'm pretty irritated with kahr. if they found a problem with the pistol, they should have recalled the bad ones. the problem is not subtle. it renders the gun completely useless. this fiasco has drastically lowered kahr's reputation in my eyes.

i haven't written the gun off entirely -- hopefully they will fix the darn thing. if it works, then it will be an awesome little gun.

in any event, i still stand by my advice to try it before you customize it even if you can prove (via serial # or whatnot) that the gun was produced after the fix :)
My experience with Kahrs is that they pretty much don't need any custom work done on them. The K-9, and the MK-9 that my friend had were just fine right out of the box.