Kahr P9 disassembly


New member
Has enough else had a problem getting their P9 apart. My problem is removing the slide stop. Even the manual suggests tapping it out from the right side, but even with a punch the thing won't budge. Any suggestions?
Caution: My owner's manual did NOT cover dis-assembly of the P9

It was the manual on the regular K series, which has a different procedure. Need we mention that you proceed with an UNLOADED gun?:)

With your P9, you will note two tick marks on the left side, one on the slide and one on the frame. Retract the slide to line up the two marks, and hold it so with one hand. With your free hand, use the hard plastic end of a screwdriver handle to rap on the protruding end of the slide stop pin. This will cause it to sink flush with the frame, then you can get hold of it from the left to pull it the rest of the way out. Then, you must pull the trigger to release the slide forward off of the frame. Good luck.
Those things are such a pain in the butt to disasemble. I have to hold the slide back and use the corner of a table to really PRESS that darn slide stop pin in. The spring on the slide is STIFF as heck. I'm kind of wishing I had a titanium Taurus in .38 instead just because of that.
VictorLouis, you da man! With the ticks lined up, the slide stop popped out with finger pressure alone. The manual tells you to align the relief cut in the slide with the slide stop pin. It even shows this in a photograph. This is very different to aligning the two tick marks.

Thanks again.
Apparently so, although the cover indicates that the manual covers K and P series and specifically lists the P9.

Again, many thanks for getting me on the right track.
I don't have a P9, but I do have a K40, K9, and MK9. Disassembling them is quite easy once you learn the trick. First, remove the magazine, lock the slide open, and check that the chamber is empty (both with your eyes and your finger). Check the chamber again. Second, pick up the gun with your right hand. Place the palm of your left hand over the front of slide and put your left thumb through the trigger guard. Using the left hand only, you can now retract the slide to the takedown marks and hold it there. While keeping the slide retracted, rotate the gun so that you can see the right side of the gun. As VictorLouis suggested, use the back of a plastic handled screwdriver to the slide stop pin until it no longer protrudes. Then pull the slide stop out the other side.

The key is learning to both hold the gun and retract the slide with one hand. Until you figure that out, you end up needing three hands (one to hold the gun, a second to retract the slide, and a third to tap out the slide stop).
