Kahr P9 backstrap abrasive?


New member

I've been intrigued by the Kahr P9 and yesterday had a chance to put about 50 rounds through one.
Ammo was American Eagle 115 FMJ.

My impressions were positive, very smooth trigger.

I was surprised at out irritating the backstrap was to the web of my hand. The backstrap has a pronounced square "checkering" pattern.

Has this bothered anybody else or am I just a wuss? :-)

yer a wuss ;)


Actually it doesn't bother me at all. You could always put a houghe slip on grip on it to cover the backstrap. Or Agrip material.

I just put 200 rounds through my new P9. The backstrap is irritating to the web of the hand. I`ll probably cut up a bicycle inner tube (ok, I`m cheap:D) and slide it on.

Did you have any problems using the factory mags? I have 6 pro mags and they are #$%^! I had a couple of failures to feed and 4 of them consistently wouldn`t lock the slide back. The factory mags worked flawlessly. I`m very impressed with the gun overall and will use it for concealed carry in the hot weather.

The gun might be kind of expensive for some and maybe a comparison with the Kel Tec would be worth looking into. JMO.
the factory mags work great but they have a tendency to let the rounds pop out of the mag if it's not in the gun. I've pulled a spair mag out of my pocket more than once and found one round in the mag and the rest swimming around by themselves in the pocket. I don't like this "feature"

The consensus seems to be that the Pro-Mags are crap, and factory mags need to be carried in some sort of a mag pouch. I have experienced what Shiro described, myself.
I got the pro mags for practice cause they were cheap. I wouldn`t use them for carry. That`s a good idea about the pouch. It should keep them cleaner too.