Kahr MK9 Deforms Silvertip Tips


New member
I have an older Kahr MK9 that in the process of either loading a round into the chamber, or unloading the round, not sure which yet, occasionally deforms the tip of Win 9mm HP 115 Silvertips. It puts a little dent in the sucker and in doing so slightly flattens the tip of the bullet. I have not seen this happen with other HPs in my MK9.

Anyone else observe this phenom in an MK9 or other pistol? I don't think this will cause a problem with reliability, but it might with accuracy. Should I discard (properly of course) this ammo, use it for practice, or continue to keep it for self-defence?
I've experienced similar things with Federal & Cor-Bon bullets.
Share what you know, learn what you don't -- FUD
My P232 occasionally does this to silvertips. Thats why I use hydra-shoks.


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