Kahr Magazines?


New member

Does anyone have any experience with the ProMag 8 or 10 round Kahr magazines? I am waiting to pick it up and, since it is used and only has one mag, I am looking for replacement/spare mags. I intend to use Factory for carry, but would like to avoid spending $38 per mag for range use, and the 10 rounders from Promag are around $13 on the internet. Is this a definite AVOID product, or are they pretty good for range/recreational shooting? Thanks
I have heard the 9mm ProMags for the Kahrs work OK. From my experience the .40 auto mags SUCK THE BIG ONE!!! Save your money and get a couple of factory mags.

Thanks for asking that question--I was about to post a similar one, without knowing the name of an aftermarket brand.

I just bought a used P9. It came with the one spare magazine, but I like to have at least three for each auto pistol: One in pistol, one carried as spare, and one unloaded at home.

I intend to do agency qualification with the P9 at first opportunity, and we have one course of fire which requires not one but TWO reloads. Hey, I didn't make it up.


This was quick for responses!

Johnny Guest, have you used the P9 yet? Mine is still at the store, so I am eagerly anticipating it! How accurate are you with it, versus the standard [duty?] weapon [which is xxxxxx?]? Are there any shooting characteristics I should be aware of? I was tempted to get a Hartts recoil reducer for it, just because of its size, but is it really needed for the amount of muzzle lift? If it was a 40, like riddleofsteel's, I would be even more determined. I have never fired a 9 before [just .357mag/.38, .22, .40S&W and .45] so I am not certain of what to expect. I also just got a baby Eagle [full sized] in 9mm [new, K9 was used, thats how I got two this month!], but I sent it back to Magnum Research right away to get a trigger job [gritty out of box, after cleaning and snapcap/dry firing].

As far as magazines go, I will probably buy both KAHR brand and aftermarket mags, so that I can rely on the Kahr for carry/home defense, but have some cheaper mags for the range. I know Pro-Mag makes 7, 8, and 10 round magazines. The 8 and 10 rounders can be found at CDNNinvestments.com Neither Mec-Gar nor USA-Magazines has the Kahr listed on their websights. I doubt I would trust my life to the Pro-Mags, but that is why I will have at least two Kahr-brand mags. I do have two mags for my S&W [model 410] from USA-mags and have had absolutely NO problems with them in feeding [other than a stiff spring for loading the mag]. If Pro-mag is better [as I have heard], I wouldn't be too concerned about my life with them, but they would be the third option. However, you can get 3 10-rounders for the price of 1 Kahr: GREAT for range work!

Good luck on your qualifications! Which agency? Which state? I am always looking for people to go shooting with [NOT AT :)]as none of my friends are into firearms. I enjoy it, but it would be fun to have someone to meet with and shoot with. I am out in southern California [3 miles east of L.A. County]. Good luck and good shooting!

oh, what does MOLON LABE! mean? you can e-mail me directly if you don't want to post it. jmstr@earthlink.net


I guess I've put between 150 and 200 rounds through my P9, and my elder son another 50 or so. These were 124 JHP with 4.6 gr. H. Universal, for 1071 fps. (1095 in a Glock 19.) Pleasant to shoot. For comparison, Speed 124 Gold Dot went 1045 and Federal HydraShok 1007, both thru the P9.

You will have no recoil problems if you can handle .357 Mag and .38 Spl +P in revolvers, and .40 S&W and ANY .45 in autos. I happen to own this P9 because it just didn't fit the hand of the former owner, mi amigo estimado, TFL's own Stephen Camp. It was just a matter of the interface between his particular hand structure and ANY Kahr handle. Perceived recoil is just a bit greater than with Matt's Kel Tec P-11, but that has a two-row magazine, and thus a much wider back strap than the P9, with the single- stack mag. The Kel Tec is a little shorter in both directions, but a touch wider. The P9 has a far superior trigger.

I sure wouldn't bother with any accessories designed to "tame" the recoil of the P9. This small, polymer framed pistol is intended to be small and light, especially for concealed carry, carried much and shot little. If you need a 9 mm that is a cream puff to shoot, consider a Browning High Power or a Glock 17L.

Accuracy? Better than I expected— I would have settled for lesser accuracy. Not as good as my fine old Browning, perhaps, but quite acceptable. Groups at 25 yards were four or five inches low, but easily minute-or-Coke can. I didn't shoot it at longer ranges, but I know I could keep ‘em all on a silhouette at 50 yards, and, once I learn the aiming point, over 50 pct at 100.

Magazines: I want NOTHING whatever to do with USAMagazines--If you've had good luck with 'em, I'm glad for you. I know nothing good of them. ProMags seem to have a pretty good rep but I have no experience personally. I intend to try them out for Glock 19 and, if available locally, for the Kahr. I'm only about 25 miles from Cheaper Than Dirt in Fort Worth.

At my S.O. in North Texas, we can carry pretty much whatever we want off duty, but are required to qualify with anything we carry on duty, including long guns. We'll take you shooting if you get over this way, but sorry, I can't think of anything I need to do in Southern California.

I again extend my standard benediction: I hope you enjoy your Kahr as much as I've come to like mine so far.



PS: Go to below site for some sketchy information on the MOLON LABE thing.


MUCH more informative (and inspiring) is this one:


Please make sure to read page two, as well.

Thanks for the info! If I plan a trip out Texas way, I may take you up on the shooting. The same goes if you want to see how the weirdos in this area live. I came here from Oregon because of three things: the college I was going to gave me the best financial aide of any of them, it was 1000 miles from anyone who knew me [especially relatives!], and the amount of material worn by your average female is about 1/2 what is was where I lived on the Oregon Coast. I've stayed here as a result of my occupation. I teach History at local community colleges part-time [until I am hired full-time somewhere!]. I would leave to other regions, but I can't afford to take the risk unless it is a region with over 10 community college districts within 120 miles, or I am hired full time. There is a lot of nice things about the area, but the lack of a lot of common sense and politics sure make it hard to remember that at times! I don't mind it, but I REFUSE to live within L.A. county [or city]. By the same token, I will not live in San Francisco or Berkeley.

I have always wanted to go to Texas some day. What would you recommend for someone who loves to drive, hike, bicycle, and shoot? Any places to avoid? Thanks again for the advice!

RE: Kahr mags

I've had good experiece with arizonnagunrunners.

They sell Kahr mags. I got a couple of them for $25 each. Good and fast customer service.

I belong to an e-groups mail list for Kahr owners. I cannot recall ANY positive reports about the Pro-Mags made for the Kahr pistols. Pro-Mags are excellent in some guns, such as the CZ-75; but, apparently they don't work well in the K9.
Thanks for the tips on arizonagunrunners! Victorlouis, haven't I seen you over at CZForum, out of unitedforums? I surf over there occasionally also, although I bought a clone [Baby Eagle] as it fit my hand a little better and gave me more confidence on trigger control. By the way, how to I get onto the e-groups mail list for Kahr owners? Thanks again to everyone who has participated!
jmstr, check out prado shooting park in Chino off of the 71 fwy. They have pistol matches on wed. and saturdays. Also if you email me I'll tell you where you can shoot for free out by San Bernardino. I'm from Redlands. Mark
Thanks again to all for your advice! I haven't been online in a couple of days, so I'm catching up.

I have several (6, I think) ProMag magaiznes for my K9. The only problem I've encountered is that they do not lock the slode back after the last round is fired. Otherwise, they function fine. I've never had a jam of any sort while using them.

At first, only one of the bunch didn't lock the slide back. I sent it back to ProMag and they sent me a replacement. Over time, all of my ProMags have stopped locking the slide back. Maybe the springs aren't the best?

I use the ProMags at the range and carry only factory mags.