Kahr K40 Covert


New member
Okay, who else has one of these? I saw the second one in my life yesterday for sale, and I almost bought it. (I did buy the only other one I've seen). Am I alone in thinking that this is the best Kahr yet? The new P40 may change my mind on this however, haven't seen one yet. For those not in the know, the K40 Covert was a "stopgap" gun built before the MK40 was finished. It featured a full-size (for a Kahr) barrel/slide on the chopped frame like the MK. It has all the ballistics, reliability, and accuracy of the K40, but the shorter grip absolutely disappears IWB. I love mine, and actually I'm still thinking about going back and buying the one I saw yesterday. :) Nothing like a matched pair :) Anyway, who else has one? I don't even think Kahr made them for a complete year, there can't be many. Can this be considered a "cult gun" Thanks, and keep up The Fight!!!!

I DO, I DO!!! Much softer shooting than I expected. This was the gun that replaced my .40 Firestar as the gun I carry in my fanny pack when Rollerblading or mountain biking. I use a small pack, even the grip on a Glock 19 or 23 is too long for it to close. The Kahr has the short grip I was looking for, is thin, the longer barrel fits (gives a longer sight radius and maybe extra velocity), and it is a .40. I still have enough room to carry, card case, money clip, pepper spray, and keys along with the gun (Spyderco goes IWB in this case).
Count me in!

DCloudy777, I really can't explain it, but yes I bought one on a lark (something a close friend claims I too often suffer from) and was left puzzled. I have owned and currently own several Kahr variants. Having shot the K40, I expected the shorter grip of the Covert to slightly magnify recoil. Maybe I am weird, but the perceived recoil of the Covert is less than that of the K40. I asked Frank Harris, President of Kahr Arms, to consider making a Covert in 9mm. I argued that there was tremendous benefit having the shorter grip for concealment but the longer barrel for better velocity and sight radius. His response was somewhat curt and the PR folks at Kahr will tell you that they do not intend to make any more Coverts now that the MK series are in place. This is a big mistake IMHO. The Covert has become a favorite. Docbones
okay, that makes three of us... do we qualify as a cult yet? :) I also have a Kel-Tec P32, do I get to be in both cults?

Sort of off topic but...

There's going to be a p40?? I've been away for a little bit and I'm planning to buy a p9 but I love the .40 round MUCH MUCH more than the 9. Is this out yet? If not, how soon?
Saw one at a gun show Saturday, very nearly bought it. I'll probably have to have this one eventually. SM&A is doing the "Covert" treatment on the polymer Kahrs, chopping the grip frames, and the P40 cut to Covert dimensions would be pretty cool.