Kahr Arms


New member
I try as much as I can to vote with my money. I will not financially support a company or country whoes policies I disagree with. No Chinese products, no Kmart (that Rosie thing), no Japanese cars. You get the picture. Anyway, it's come to my attention that Kahr Arms Corp. is owned and operated by the moonies of Sun Young Moon fame. Any body care?
I can admire your dedication to your beliefs, however if you check many manufacturers closely you may end up with little choice in the marketplace.
I own a Kahr K9 and find that it is an excellent handgun. I could have bought a Colt, I suppose, but they have some problems because they back "smart guns" and their executives have backed antigun candidates (reportedly). Or I could have bought a Smith and Wesson but I believe they are owned by an English conglomerate (and I know that the English are no friends of gun rights). Maybe a Ruger? Oh, Bill supported magazine capacity limitations.
Can anyone recommend a manufacturer with a "clean" record?
I still watch movies and TV, esp. Public TV, knowing full well that liberal pantywaists pinkoes control it all. Wal-Mart, who supposedly "brings it home to the USA," has as much, if not more, crap made in the PRC than K-Mart. I'll take a friend in the Moonies if they can drum up support to keep our guns, and will patronize a company they own b/c it is in they're best interests to use their membership to support the 2nd, if for nothing else, to keep the $$$ from gun buyers rolling in, never mind their anti-commie stance. I never let garbage sit around my house just because the Mafia controls the waste disposal industry.
Rob... :D

I don't know a damned thing about the Moonies. But, religious differences aside (I'm an aetheist), is there anything "sinister" about them that should push me away from their products?

burrhead: By "policies", do you mean company policies? Or is it the personal beliefs of the people that run the company, regardless of how they run the company.

For the sake of argument, if you're a Christian, would that mean you won't purchase any products made by a company run by Jews? Or Buddists? Or Christians of a different denomination?

This is in no way intended to flame you or your beliefs, neither of which I know anything about (I can assume you're not a Moonie, I guess :)) Nor is it intended to promote a debate on religion (which is inappropriate on this board).

I'm just trying to point out the difference between the personal beliefs of company owners/employees, and their business practices.

What are the Moonies politics?



[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 11, 1999).]

I have heard stories for decades about differnet businesses that were owned byt he moonies, and I've never bothered to avoid them. Entenmann's baked goods comes to mind a premier example.

I am out of the loop on why they are so bad as well, I guess.
Well boing, I don't know anything about their company policies. I am also a life long athiest and very much live and let live. I guess my problem with the moonies is that they have a history of going into small communities and through shear force of numbers taking over local politics: city council, etc. They have been a force in Maine in the lobster industry and have disrupted local,s working options. I really don't care if people buy Kahrs, I was just throwing this out to get others reactions.
Entenmann's is owned by the Moonies? Cool! Now I know whom to complain to about bringing back the German Butter Square! Damn, I loved those thing!

As to the politics of Reverend Moon and/or the Unification Church, he/they own or control The Washington Times Corporation, which publishes The Washington Times newspaper and Insight On The News, a newsweekly. The editorial position of both publications is conservative. I invite you to judge for yourself at -


It seems reasonable to conclude that Reverend Moon and the Unification Church are politically conservative.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...
What's wrong with the Moonies practicing good old American capitalism? I'd rather have them buying and selling than pushing some socialist liberal agenda!

I live in the Northeast, a spit and a jump from were Kahr Arms is located and produced. I have met several of their Company Field Reps.,Executive staff, as well as the owners. They frequently test new weapons at ( The FIRING LINE Pistol Range - in Pearl River , NY) were I practice indoors.
I am sure you have bad information, they are NOT , owned by the "Moonies". And are ecellent manufaturer of reliable &compact weapons.
As for the "Moonies" I do believe they own the controling share or the entire compnay of GENNESSE beer.!

Sorry about the spelling it is GENESEE beer, god forbid anyone to use the name GUINESS in the same sentence with Genesse beer or the Moonies. And thanks for the insite into KAHR ARMS ownership, I plan on queitly asking down at the Pistol Range this week. Should make for some spirited banter. Fred

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited July 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited July 14, 1999).]
Sorry, but Moon's kid owns Kahr, and where do you think he got the $$$? It is as good as owned by the church. The Wall St. Journal reported as much, and I believe most of what they say, esp. about this issue.
They own Genessee beer? THAT explains Genny Cream!

For you non-NY'ers: Forget it! You DON'T want to know!

I think that if we look at the politics or religious aspect of *any* manufacturer, (of anything) we'd all find SOME reason not to buy from them. If we sanctimoniously exclude all but the proper "mindset" people from our purchases, we'll be hungry, broke, homeless, and gunless very soon. I applaud the fact that Kahr is a fine pistol, well made, and I don't really care about the religion thing: After all, isn't that the reason we came to this country in the first place? Isn't that why many of us and our forebears died? They have a right to their beliefs, as I do mine, and if in the process they want to offer me an excellent pistol, then bully for them!