Kahr Arms & the Moonies


New member
I just finished reading an article that revealed that Kahr Arms is owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church.
It doesn't make a bit of difference to me, but I can hardly wait to see the spin that HCI puts on this. "The Korean Messiah and His Lethal Instruments of Death!".
Where did you see this article? I just searched AV on +"kahr arms" +moonies and came up with one hit; Kahr was listed on this page as a "moon-related organization."

Not doubting your word, of course :). Hell, I may just buy a Kahr for this reason!

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...
Please indicate the local paper's name, volume, date, page & column number for article.
Ah, that explains it! The Post is just taking a dig at the other DC paper, the Washington Times...which is owned by the Unification Church. In addition, the Unification Church owns The Weekly Standard magazine.

Justin Moon is one of Sun Myung Moon's _many_ sons, but it is hard to say how close they really are.

Hmmm, the next thing you know, someone will figure out the connection between Browning and the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). :D

[This message has been edited by Daniel Watters (edited March 11, 1999).]
The article, entitled "Moon empire banking on guns" by John Mintz was re-printed from the Washington Post in the (New Orleans) Times-Picayune, thursday, March 11, 1999 , in section A, page 19.
Yeah, Browning was LDS... And that means all those 1911s, Machine Guns, Hi Powers, and Lever Action rifles bought and sold - well.. WE GOT 10% of it! :D !!!
Hey - go get another 1911 - this next one has a "NEW" coating ;)

And by the way... It's "THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS" But we go by "Mormons" as well... :)


Resistance is Futile

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited March 11, 1999).]

Don't forget that John Moses Browning's father, Johnathan Edmund Browning, was recruited to the LDS in 1840 for his riflemaking skills.

J.E. Browning built a repeating rifle which used a horizontal magazine with individual chambers. Most were equipped with two 5 shot magazines, but J.E. Browning claimed to have built magazines with capacities of up to 25 shots! These rifles were used by the Danites, the Nauvoo Legion, and later the Mormon Battalion. J.E. Browning attempted to volunteer for the Battalion, but was forbidden to do so by Brigham Young.

Perhaps I'm cynical, but I see numerous parallels between the state and federal persecution of the LDS in the 19th Century and more recent events such as the raid on the Branch Davidians. The LDS survived because they were larger in size, and the federal and state troops were not as well organized.
I knew a bunch of the Moonies from my dojang in Baltimore in the late 70's. Strange guys, but not so bad. Hard trainers; hard fighters.

Turns out the Reverend Moon has always been a *staunch* anti-socialist and preached armed resistance in such nations. I have heard repeatedly thru the years that his holdings include a large portfolio of military arms and materiel manufacturers. I'll not be surprised (or influenced) if that includes Kahr.
Well this little tidbit definitely goes in my "Huh!" file. Very interesting. I like things that are interesting, but don't require me to do anything. Yes. Huh!
Yes - your cynical. There is nothing similar about early LDS members and the Davidians. Research a little further and you realize that just cause you have a young start up church with a member who as luck would have it made guns... Doesn't mean you like a Waco Cult who hords weapons and preaches doom and holes up in secret compounds. Waiting for the end.


Resistance is Futile

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited March 12, 1999).]
My comparison was not meant to offend. However, almost every official 'tax-exempt' religion today was considered 'cult-like' by the dominant religions at the time of their origin. This includes not only the LDS, but Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.... In last few decades we seen the public transformation of the Unification Church and the Church of Scientology. I think there is a lesson in here for gun owners, but it hasn't quite jelled in my brain yet.

BTW: It has come to my attention that certain TFLers doubt the existence of Johnathan Edmund Browning's repeating rifles. Check out the 1985 Gun Digest and the book John M. Browning, American Gunmaker for photos of J.E. Brownimg's sliding chamber and revolving chamber repeating rifles.

[This message has been edited by Daniel Watters (edited March 12, 1999).]
If you're going to be a religious nut, at least be a well armed religious nut .... eh? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
It is a rare day when I go to San Antonio and do NOT see the bumper sticker:
"Is your church BATF approved?"

Kinda spooky...no matter WHICH way you look at it...
Has anyone looked into the matter of Catholics and Pole-Axes?
What about Judism and Slings?

Just kidding... :)


Resistance is Futile
Slightly off topic...
The denunciation and prohibition of using the crossbow against fellow Christians by the Lateran Council of 1139. Early gun control and that didn't work either :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Or a 1518 edict by Maximillian I against the use of wheel-locks as being "too conductive to cladestine carry and asassination". Shades of "small concealable Saturday Night Specials" that so worry our CA enemies?
Hello everyone,

Someone asked about how Catholics feel about guns and such. As I'm Catholic and carry concealed on a daily basis, I'll throw in my two cents.

Catholicism is a bit misunderstood for in many religions the spiritual leader's opinions become the teachings of the church. In many cases, unless he is quoting official teachings of the Catholic church, the Pope's opinion is not a directive for all Catholics to follow...merely a suggestion. If it was an instruction, it would be known as a Papal Dictate, and this has not occurred in about 200 years.

A good example of this is our Pope John Paul II's opposition to the death penalty. This is his opinion. In actual Catholic teaching the death penalty is not a sin if used for only the most serious crimes.

While Pope John Paul II encourages peaceful action, the actual teaching of Catholicism is that the use of arms in times of war and self defense is permitted and therefore not a sin.

I've discussed this with my priest as my primary interest in shooting is self defense. His only suggestion was that lethal force should be used as an absolute last resort when all non-lethal force options had been exhausted or were not feasible. In training terms, this means being well versed in unarmed combat, verbal intervention, OC spray, and other such options. In my opinion, things CHL holders should do anyway.

So there's my $0.02. Enjoy.

Good shooting.

- Anthony
Shoalin Monks... Wicked good Kung Fu... Do THEY NEED guns? I doubt it. But I would be frightend if they did!


Resistance is Futile