K31 308 prices in Europe

Can any of the members from Europe tell me what the prices are across the pond? I am considering having some rifles imported and I have all the information except the cost of the rifles in Europe. I hear they are much more common in Europe and I am hoping the prices will be lower. I am looking for 5. Is there a dealer who might be able to find five rifles for me?

30-06 and some of the other "standard cartridge" chamberings wouldn't be bad to mix in but I want a 308 for sure.
We (Sweden, and the same rest of the nordic countries) don't really have the surplus mil market you have, they pop up om auctions NOW and then bit people don't really buy them for hunting. Due to our rwstrictive Gun laws they user market is quite cheap, but higher vat affects it to. the ones ive seen around 500-1000 dollars but tjey have been colectors Nice.

The uk is even more restrictive , france bans military calibres iirc, and i don,t speak german so can-t tell you. E-Gun the Website is big ro.

Speeling is horrible i blame my phone
Around here (Belgium) the K31 is traded commonly at prices around 325 EUR (ca. 430 $). I know they sell in Switzerland for prices around 100 Swiss francs (ca. 110 $). The Belgian gun shops charge a lot for the tons of official paperwork they have to deal with.

However, in 20-something years I have seen hundreds of K31’s but never in any other caliber than ‘7,5x55mm’. I know they exist but I believe it’s more of an American thing when Swiss surplus ammo was less available. In Europe the excellent ‘GP11’ surplus is available at prices that are equal to most .308 surplus and a lot cheaper than any commercial ammo. So there isn’t any market for K31’s converted to other calibers.
The 7.5mm bullet in the 7.5 x 55 Swiss was made a 7.62 (.308") diameter bullet in 1913 (or there about) I think the OP may be confused about what caliber he expects a Swiss rifle to be chambered in. A lot of 1911 Schmidts are advertised as .308 because of the caliber change.
I own a K31 in 7.5X55, I am not confused.
I have a 1911 chambered in 308 (that stuck the two times I fired it due to bolt stretching o now I don't fire it).

I am looking for a factory K31 in the one of the oddball chamberings. They were produced. They are available in the US but bring a ridiculous price tag. I will eventually buy one here for the $2000+ if I can't figure out a way to import a few for less(with one the price of shipping and paperwork is prohibitive).

GOing along with what Husqvarna said, I have heard that in Europe these oddball chamberings are not in very high demand and don't bring much of a premium. What do you expect the value of a 1903A3 chambered in 7.5X55 to be? My guess is not much.
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John, Hammerli, and probably not W-FBern, made most if not all of the different calibers in the K-31. And numerous Swiss smiths have made or will make custom work. American calibers were pretty much ordered by Americans. I wish you a lot of good luck at being at the right estate sale along with finding a great price. Plenty of American smiths customized the 1911/ types. I would bet that your stuck cases were reloads and not factory ammo and maybe a little readusting the die may help.best-o-luck
Factory Wolf steel case, so it probably wasn't even pushing the envelope on max pressure.

Maybe someone will pay me a crazy price for my SKS-M tomorrow and I can buy one of these boring straight pull bolt guns with the proceeds.