K-Mart & Rosie


New member
Here's K-marts e-mail address; kmartcustserve@o-ds.com Send them a polite message withdrawing support for their business as long as they support Rosie.
I can't, I NEVER shop at K-Mart and have not for several years. I happen to dislike the company with a passion that nears "detest." Rosie is just another reason to do so.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
SK: I actually hit them where it hurts more. I buy nothing but lost leader items from K-Mart. They get my money, but I make sure they get a negative return on their investment. OBTW, the only thing I buy there is .22 ammo when it's on sale at a loss.

Don't do K-mart, don't do Rosie. Went to here site, tryed to shake them but I had to leave due to sugar poisioning....

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
I already sent K Mart a letter saying as long as they associate with Rosie, I'll take my business elsewhere.
Ok, confession time. I worked for K-Mart,(Actually a K-owned Company, Builders Square) in a management position. Trust me. K-Mart cares more about lost profit than they do lost customers. A store that has few customers, but higher profits will bring a smile to their face. Low profits drive them crazy. If you really want to hurt them, tell them you will only buy advertised specials, or have their stores match the lowest price on any item you see advertised. Tell them why, and don't buy Anything else while you are there. This is especially effective if you talk to a manager. Instead of writing to them, trust me again, they don't follow up on correspondence, stop in a store and ask for the name and phone number of the district manager. Call the DM, and explain that you are not a felon, and do not belong in prison. Tell the DM, you can't believe that K-mart would support the position of Rosie O'd. K-mart is a ruthless business operation, and they look at the bottom line more than anything else. To them a boycotter is a non-customer, and therfore not important. To say you will never shop there again, really has no impact. They hear that a million times a day.

Wanna have some real fun and have your own home page too? Rosie's giving away FREE space to build your own! I've reserved space but haven't started building it yet, looks pretty simple. I'm sure mine will have something to do with RKBA, reloading, hunting etc. Go to http://rosie.acmecity.com and get yours today!
Okay - where can I shop? Target is out, K-Mart is out, Wal-Mart started sliding when Sammy boy kicked it, now it just sucks...

Anyone know what discount/grocery/hardware stores are pro-RKBA, or at least not anti?