K-Mart Hypocrites Need To Pick A Side


New member
Just finished having to clean some coffee up off the floor. The day started out just fine, enjoying a cup of good coffee and re-reading the latest issue of "Tactical Knives", while watching American Shooter on TNN. I practically spit up my coffee when they started rolling sponsor credits, and what do I see and hear, but, "...and also brought to you today by K-Mart, blah, blah, blah..." What the hell is going on here? They let their mouthpiece slam firearm owners and the 2nd Amendment, while sponsoring a firearms show? Does anybody else see a bunch of #$@$&^$&^%)^#%* hypocrites here? Well, there just went my whole damn day. :(

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Hell, we all know what to do. I won't even let my wife shop there anymore. We just need to keep it up and not forget about this in a week or two.
Hey Don...
I don't have cable or sat. dish and have never seen American Shooter.....what do kinds of things do they show?
American Shooter covers different aspects of the hunting and shooting sports. They've covered different cowboy action shoots, the Steel Challenge, sporting clays, silhouette tournaments, celebrity shoots, trade shows, expos, and manufacturer outings, new firearms, accessories, hunting outings, all sorts of things like that. It's a pretty darn responsible show that shows the positive sporting aspects of the shooting sports. They are careful about what they cover, so as not to give anti's any reason to complain, so you might not see a review on a couple of the latest high-zoot toys, and I haven't seen them cover some of the more hard core IPSC or USPSA sort of matches. I guess semi-"human"-shaped targets with A zones might give Sarah, her pull-toy and their gang something to scream about, while innocent steel plates don't. Some of the segments are too short, or the writing may seem a bit lame at times, but it's a positive show about firearms. TNN has a good target audience for the show. Give me a few weeks and I'll try to tape a few episodes for you and send them out.

The coffee's staying down, so I guess I'm getting over my morning shock.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Your right Don - they need to pick a side.

If you dont stand for something - you dont stand for anything. After the infamitory insults Hosie has slung at us - K-Mart needs to actualy take action. One way or another.

Either way... Neither Kmart or its affiliates are getting any of my money. Thats what you do to hurt them or get that attention.

Start out your email to Kmart with "Last year I spent X amount of dollars on Kmart and Kmart affiliates - Little Sleazers Pizza is one - and this year you wont get any from me, because of..................."
That let's them measure the damage in a figure they will understand. If any of you have sent them an email - follow it up with a dollar figure (including christmas figures)... then we should something happen.

DC - you would love that show...

K-Mart had to close their world head quarters Friday due to a bomb threat. While K-Mart has not blamed gun owners / NRA, the newspaper articles all mention the heat that K-Mart has received from gun owners after Tom appeared on her show. None of the articles I have seen even mentioned her statements before that that all gun owners should be in jail (prison?).

Don Imus had on his radio program, right before the bomb threat, stated that someone should burn K-Mart and Wal-Mart stores because they sell firearms. K-Mart spokesman also said that they id not think the radio program had anything to do with the bomb threat.

Oh, well.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited May 22, 1999).]