K date German Luger


I have questions about a Luger I own. It has a K over the chamber. The serial number is 80xx, and it seems to be matching throughout, including the mag which is marked xx. The toggle is marked Gothic S/42. The front sight is set back, and B90 and B91 Army acceptance marks are found on the right side of the receiver together with a straight-winged eagle. There is a scriptic S and xx on the side plate, which appear indented on the plate, and a scriptic S and xx on the take-down lever. On the bottom of the barrel is the s/n.

My questions: On the right side of the barrel is stamped: s/42K in about the size of small serial numbers like those found on the left side of the receiver. Is it normal to find this on the side of the barrel?
The chamber where the K is stamped looks like - a long time ago - it might have been lightly brushed or sanded with steel wool. Or maybe it's in my imagination.

Do you think this is a legit K date s/42 Luger? Thank you!
What you describe is entirely consistent with K date Lugers. The reason for the use of the S on parts is unknown, at least to me. There are some guns known with an "a" suffix indicating that over 10,000 were made; some estimates are about 10.500. (German military serial numbering started each year with 1, went to 9999, then 1a to 9999a, 1b to 9999b, and so on.)

The "K" instead of the actual date (1934) was used in an attempt to conceal increased military production from Allied Versailles treaty inspectors, who were still in Germany at that time. (The letter "G" was used in 1935, but in 1936 the pretense was dropped and the real date used.)

Original magazines have the aluminum bottom with the full serial number. The extra magazine will have a "+" mark.

K date Luger

Jim, Thank you very much for your reply! I appreciate your expertise. I was concerned because I have not seen in any of the Still books any reference to the "s/42K" stamped on the right side of the barrel.

Again, thank you!
When I get the old time machine working right, I am going back and give those guys heck because they didn't check with the books before marking pistols. I plan to do that after I really ream out the GI's who shot enemy soldiers with M1 rifles and .45 pistols instead of preserving them for collectors.
