k-9 question

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i would like to acquire a dog for general protection, but am very picky. i need the dog to be medium size, under 50lbs, and not a pit bull. i also do not like aggresive dogs like rottweilers or dobermans. i think 75% of the people who own them should take a mandatory obedience class, because their animals aren't trustworthy. i have had boxers and found them agreeable with kids and "protective" enough, but health problems ruined all of our boxers. is a australian cattle dog a good protector? i would like to be able to have the dog around my 2 year old nephew and other dogs in our family circle. i really just need something that will wake me up and would make someone hesitate. a bite is not imperative.
Herding Dog.

Not usually considered...

but, I have an Austrailian Shepard and she lets me know when any humans come near my home and if they are at the door she lets them know that she knows they are there.

She's been a great watch dog and that's really the most important factor. She's medium sized and very friendly with family and friends, although she still lets me know even when they arrive!

Hope that helps.

I have been looking into a Norwegian Elkhound as well.
As a former Military Working Dog Handler I'm going with what I'm partial too which is your good old German Shepard.

All German Shepards are full of what we call 'civil' or bark and growl.

They'll bite, but there mostly bark.

They are also fine with kids, and very obedient
As a former Military Working Dog Handler I'm going with what I'm partial too which is your good old German Shepard.
Until recently, I've had GSD's all my life, and they are the greatest. Loyal, devoted, absolutely fearless, and self-appointed guardians of kids.

That said, I wish you luck in your search, Porkskin, but I'm afraid I have to close this one as off topic for tactics & training. Maybe some of the Members can PM you with suggestions.
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