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Smithnut, or anyone else knowledgable about S&W. I have a nice old K-38 that I bought used back in the middle 60's. It's a 5 screw with serial # 1008xx. The serial # doesn't seem to be in the right place in Supica and Nahas? IN their reference, it seems that the serial should be K-something. Help! Reddog
Tell me more about the serial number. Are you getting it off the butt of the piece? Also, does it appear on the underside of the barrel, and the back of the cylinder? It should. If the serial number does not have a "K" prefix, or "S" that is unusual. When you bought it in the 60's, you said it was used, could it be that it is much older?? Please describe the ejector rod - is it straight up to the end, or does it have a "knob" on it? I am thinking you might have an earlier piece, possible pre-war? What does the front sight look like? How about the grips? Are they numbered to the gun? Hmmmm, what else? Is there any patent information on the top of the barrel?, and what does it say? Let's see if we can determine what you have. ......SmithNut
Smithnut, I told you wrong. There is a K before the numbers. It is also on the bottom of the barrel and back of the cylinder. The ejector rod has no knob. I looked at it in a hurry last night, and then came upstairs and tried to look it up in the S & N reference and just plain missed the K. Got the stocks put up somewhere. It's a five screw, too. Reddog
Glad you sorted it out. You have a fine piece there, one of my favorites. If you get tired of it and need to get it into a recovery shelter, I'm your man!! .......SmithNut
Thanks Nut. I saw my error after it was too late. Think I'll keep it a little longer. My wife uses it in an internet postal group we shoot in. She's getting to where she beats me, too often, with it. Maybe I should get rid of it, and not tell her? Thanks again, Reddog
One more thing Smithnut, I figure this gun goes back to the late 40's. I wonder why the chambers aren't counterbored? Reddog
RD, if you mean recessed as in "pinned and recessed", only magnum centerfire cartridge revolvers were recessed. They never recessed the standard old .38 special or any of the other non-mag pieces.
BTW - According to my information, K100xxx was prolly manufactured in 1950. ......SmithNut

[This message has been edited by SmithNut (edited August 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by SmithNut (edited August 27, 1999).]
You're right. While looking up the year of manufacture, I noticed they don't list the model 65 under K-frame serial number ranges? Must be an oversight, or did I overlook something again? Reddog
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