Juve Justice Bill/ GOA

Futo Inu

New member
This one must be really bad as I got a PHONE message from GOA rather than just the usual email alert. Bob Smith is appartently trying to block it all by his lonesome (God bless that man).

So, someone please refresh my memory. What is so bad in this bill. If GOA calls on the phone, then it's probably bad enough for even the NRA-standard of erosion to be violated. Does this bill contain the Feinstein no-transfer-of-hicaps stuff?
Last I heard it was a done deal. Bob Smith is probably the only true and honest friend the 2nd Amendment has on the Hill. He does have a webpage for his campaign. I wonder just how far he'd get if each gunowner gave him just $1. Hrrmm...
Here's the email I got from GOA, complete with commercials --
Senator Smith Throws Down the Gauntlet!
-- Stands up to Trent Lott by forcing filibuster on anti-gun crime bill

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 http://www.gunowners.org

(Friday, July 23, 1999) -- Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) has set the Senate wheels in motion for a series of votes to stop Senator Bob Smith's filibuster on the juvenile crime legislation. The first vote has been set for Monday, July 26.

So far, Senator Smith (I-NH) has prevented any progress on the anti-gun crime bill by promising to use the ancient art of
"filibuster." Yesterday, that promise became reality when Smith objected to a motion by Sen. Lott to move the bill along.

This is truly a David v. Goliath stand-off. The Senate leadership, led by the Majority Leader, is trying to roll Senator Smith and
bring his delaying tactics to an end.

Of course, Senator Lott must first clear at least six parliamentary "hurdles" that have been erected by Senator Smith.

The key vote will occur on Wednesday or Thursday when the Senate will determine whether the Gore/Lautenberg gun control crime bill (S. 254) will move forward.

That vote will be on an effort to shut down debate on Sen. Smith's filibuster-- known in Washington as "invoking cloture" on the
filibuster-- and will decide whether Sen. Lott can substitute the virulently anti-gun crime bill (S. 254) in lieu of the crime bill
that was passed by the House.

Eventually, Senator Lott wants to send the crime legislation to a House-Senate conference committee to iron out the differences between the two bills. But that can only come after he's cleared the Smith "hurdles"-- a process that should take several days. Lott can clear each one of these hurdles with a 60-vote majority in the

If that happens, President Clinton will be one step closer to signing a crime bill that is replete with gun bans and gun owner

But if our side gets 41 votes at any point along the way, then Senate rules will allow Smith to continue filibustering the bill--
which could entail his standing on the Senate floor and reading long passages from a library of pro-gun literature. You may want to tape this from C-Span and label it "Second Amendment books on tape by Senator Smith."

Smith is willing to do that. He is committed to doing whatever it takes to defend the 2nd Amendment. But he needs 40 other Senators to stand with him!

Again, Monday's vote will begin a whole series of votes on this issue. Each one is slightly different, and GOA will do its best to keep you informed as to what is coming down the pike.

Until then, please start asking your Senators to support the Smith filibuster.

Senator Smith is without question THE defender of 2nd Amendment rights in the Senate. Tell your Senator that you would like him or her to follow Smith's lead on the upcoming series of votes.


* Toll-free at 1-888-449-3511. [Please be patient when calling this number; sometimes it rings for quite a while. But they will answer!]
* The regular Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121.
* Fax and e-mail contact info is available at http://www.gunowners.org/s106th.htm on the GOA webpage.

P.S. There has been quite a bit of confusion in the media as to what is actually transpiring on Monday. Some in the media are reporting that Monday's vote is about the appointment of Senate conferees. This is incorrect. Technically speaking, the purpose for Monday's vote in the Senate is to bring up the House crime bill
(H.R. 1501) for debate. As stated above, Lott eventually wants to appoint conferees, but that will only happen if he can overcome
every Smith filibuster.

Cheaper Than Dirt donates a percentage of your total order to GOA if you use http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/goa.htm to enter their online store.

Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to date information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail
Alert Network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to
goamail@gunowners.org and include the state in which you live, in either the subject or the body. To unsubscribe, reply to any alert
and ask to be removed.
end transmission

I've contacted my two Demo bozos (Nevada).
I also contacted the RNC and told them to put a muzzle on Lott if they wanted to get my vote. "If you can't fight City Hall, at least you can 'defecate' on steps."

Too bad we couldn't have gotten Smith as
Rep. VP nominee, would have made Bush more palatable.

"Do not be afraid, we are your friends." (from 'Mars Attacks')
It is a sad day when only one man will stand up against those who will take our freedom. Let's get off our asses and call or e-mail the senators and forward the GOA info to all of our friends. Do you want to be the one to tell our sons and daughters that we were the generation to let our rights be taken away? What have you done to prevent this? Have you and your friends joined the GOA and NRA? Do you vote? Have you influenced your friends and relatives to call their representatives? I always hear people complaining about how much money it costs to join these organizations...well remember when you could buy hi cap mags for a few bucks and an AR-15 was affordable. Every day, our enemies are inching towards their goal and we are letting it happen. Just do your job!
Bob Smith deserves a thankyou from us all. However, I think he would prefer 41 votes as back up. Letters are always the best way to get a response from Washington, but if you choose e-mail remember to give your home mail address and if it really matters, request a specific response as to the reps position- even if from another state. If your own State has nobody on your side, send it elsewhere. Check out the GOA page for potential allies and let em know. They are all political animals and keep tabs on all input, so even if you have a Feinstien - let em know they have one in the negative collumn. Then find a an ally next door. Yes it is a pain in the ass to remind someone that you are free. If you are willing to give up everything ultimately for something that was written on a page- then use your pen first. Those of you who figured this out long before me thanks for your patience.
This sounds like an opportunity to fire a symbolic shot over the bow of all Republican and Democratic members re the 2000 elections.

I agree let you local Senator(s) know how you feel whether they are Diane Feinslime or Bob
Smith himself. The less confident the Democrats feel about their "screw the gun owners" year 2000 initiative the better.

I'll be letting my Senators know and copy the Senate Leadership: (Lott and Daschel) and the house leadership: (Hastert and Gephardt) and the RNC and DNC.

The more chances we have to demostrate our strength the more unsure of themselves the political gun control animals in Washington become.

this popped in my mail this afternoon
some of it is a repeat but still worth reading...


Your Guns on Line Senate Conferees May Vote Monday
Washington Post calls for Confiscation
Registration Meant Confiscation in England, Australia & Canada

Registration is the one think that makes confiscation possible.
The only reason the anti gun politicians can steal the guns is
that they have a record of firearms ownership. GET BETWEEN

Keep up the pressure. Defeat the anti gun provisions including
the "registration" of sales to the Juvenal Justice Bill. You are
advised to call your Senators and congressperson at the
following toll-free numbers
US Capitol Switchboard

For the latest happening at NRA contact www.2ndamendment.net
For legislative updates contact www.nealknox.com and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"

Senate Conferees Vote Monday? By Neal Knox

There are rumbles on the Hill that the Senate will vote Monday
on a motion to appoint conferees to the Juvenile Justice bill,
which has a string of significant new gun restrictions.

Sen. Bob Smith (I-N.H.) has a "hold" on the appointment, which
means only that he wishes to object if there's a request for
unanimous consent. Senate courtesy dictates that if a Senator
has a hold on a bill the leadership will notify him or her as to
when the issue will be brought up, allowing the Senator to be
there to prevent passage by unanimous consent and/or to begin
a filibuster. With a vote, his hold would make no difference
procedurally, though it could ruffle a few feathers since the
Senate often allows a hold to block all action,
particularly if there's a tight schedule as there is now.

Sen. Smith, who last week resigned from the Republican party,
and doesn't have a lot of chits with the Republican leadership,
has said he will filibuster the appointments -- which might delay
the conferee appointments but is unlikely to block them for more
than a few days if there's a push to get conferees appointed.

Overturning a filibuster requires a "cloture" vote of 3/5ths of the
Senate, or 60 votes. If Sen. Smith begins a filibuster to prevent
a vote, notice of a filibuster-ending cloture vote can be "laid
down" and the cloture vote could be taken after three days,
putting a time limit on further debate.

Considering the fact that S.254 passed 73-25, in theory there
should be 60 votes to allow the bill to proceed to conference, but
you never know in the Senate. It will be interesting to see who
votes against shutting off debate, if the cloture vote does occur.
You can bet it will include some anti-gunners who don't like the
underlying juvenile bill, and want to keep "gun control" on the
front burner as a campaign issue. Usually the additional hours of
debate time isn't taken.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) offered a surprise amendment to
the Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary Appropriations bill.
It adds another category of firearms prohibited purchaser,
someone who the seller knows or has reason to know is
physically impaired due to drinking alcohol.

It was accepted by Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) after a colloquy in
which Sen. Boxer said she was not proposing to put
breathalyzer machines in K-Marts. Sen. Craig, I'm told, only
saw the amendment 15 or 20 minutes before, and with that
clarification let it go.

While it sets up one more hook, it would have been hard to find
any Senate votes against it, as presented and described. Fact
is: No Senator wants to face an election ad proclaiming "He
voted that it was okay to sell guns to drunks."

The dram shop rules, which allow bartenders to be held liable
if they sell booze to an obvious drunk, would certainly apply to
anyone who sold a firearm to someone clearly under the
influence of booze, drugs or ranting fury. So Boxer's
amendment was unnecessary; but like any gun law, it can be



A Washington Post editorial recapped the gun positions of the
various Presidential candidates, saying "Mr. (Bill) Bradley
comes closest to getting a grip on this country's gross national
proliferation of concealable weapons. He calls for registration of
all handguns."

But, the Post declared, "No presidential candidate has yet
come out for the most effective proposal to check the terror of
gunfire: a ban on the general sale, manufacture and ownership
of handguns as well as assault-style weapons."

Now they've spelled out what they want: English-style
confiscation of all privately owned handguns and military-look
semi-auto rifles.

Fine. At least they're being honest. Let's have a general
debate on that issue. And I sure hope that they can get a string
of candidates willing to acknowledge that confiscation is
where they intend to take their step-by-step "reasonable gun

The Toronto mayor says Canada's "reasonable" gun laws,
and the newest law that all firearms in the country be registered,
aren't enough. He wants handguns totally banned in his city.

In scripture according to Knox, found in the first book of Gun
Week, 1966, "The only purpose of gun registration is gun


I strongly urge you to watch the 15 minute advertisement that
the NRA has been running at 7:30 in the morning on TNN for
the last several weeks. I suggest that you tape it, for you will
might well want to show it some of your friends who do not
believe that the antigun folks want all of your guns and you
actually view the sight of it happening in England and Australia.

You can watch as the citizens who guns were outlawed relate
their indignation at having to surrender their handgun,
semiautomatic and pump rifles and shotguns. Weapons that
had been handed down through the generations of there
families. You will hear the female antigun leader saying that
guns have to been confiscated and she does not saying that
they are going to stop at the present point of confiscation.

You can watch a Browning Auto-5 shotgun being sawed into
pieces. You can watch these folks saying that they waited for
someone to tell the truth, that it did not happen and how they
wish they had it do over again. This is not somebody telling you
what they think happened or what could happen, you can see
where it has happened and how the antis will never be satisfied
until ALL guns are confiscated. It is sad, but we don't have to let
it happen here.

The 2ndAmendmentNews Team
The way to protect your own rights is to protect the rights of
others. Our right to own and use firearms is under attack. This
list was created in a hurry due to the emergency presented by
anti-gun politicians and the media dancing in the blood of those
who died in the recent massacre.

We receive e-mail addresses from various sources that
represent the recipients as receptive to our timely, low-to-
moderate volume gun-rights-related alerts (generally no more
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If you know anyone who would appreciate these alerts, please
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send a reply to me at wh.clark@cwix.com or behanna@fast.net

Cordially Yours,
The 2ndAmendmentNews Team

2ndAmendmentNews is published by volunteer activists who
support the full original individual rights intent of the 2nd
Amendment and oppose any appeasement on gun rights. The
moderators include Chris Behanna, Weldon Clark (an NRA
director), Russ Howard (past NRA director) and Steve Cicero.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us
in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and
lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon
you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. --
Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August
1, 1776.