Just wondering about groups..

I think your question will depend on the type of competition. Bench-rest will be pretty damn small. Elaborate a little on the type of gun or competition
with a bipod and sandbags.. I had never shot at 300yards until the other day. I shot 2 groups of 3 that were just over 1/2 inch.. i was wondering how i would compare to others.
Prone with a sling and iron sights, I can usually cover the group with my hand.

I can hit a 12" target, prone, about 20% of the time at 350 yards. So, I could hit it three times in about 45 seconds. How does that compare?
Is that with the dinosaur rifle? ;) j/k Pretty danged nice group. Looks like your prone is solid.

My AR-15 and I will usually acount for a 97%+ score prone from 300 yards rapid-fire. Not quite as good as 30Cal's groups, but I bet he has a year or two of experience and practice on me yet! ;) Give me that cursed MR-63 reduced slow-fire target and I will gladly punch the X and 10-ring out of it until I run out of ammo! (That's a group of about 6".) One night I fired a 194-12X on that target. (12 of the 20 went into 3".) Wish I could do that again on demand.

1/2" 3 shot at 300 is impressive. How do the groups hold up if you add more rounds to them?
I'll have to let you know when i get back home from school. I only shot 3 shot groups. When i first started shooting that day i was shooting crappy, then i changed how i was holding the rifle and was much more steady.. I would like to get into shooting more.. i really don't know much about it. I also want to learn how to use mil dots and all that stuff.
Mil Dots? For?

Nice group there 30CAL on the Prone rapid. Nothing like a Clean!

Seeing how they are using Golf Tees and they are not falling out, looks like it might be from a mouse gun?
I'm probably going to join the army and would like to try to get into sniper school. I know you have know all the mil dot stuff. I'm sure they teach you there, but i would like to know it anyway. I shot that with a 6mm Mauser... I'm not sure what all has been done to it. It is my uncles gun, he brought it over the holidays and is letting me use it.
6mm Mauser? Tell me more ! I wasn't aware that such a cartridge existed other than in an obscure German wildcat from around 1895.
Maybe it's a 6mm Remington in a Mauser action?
Can you sit on your ankle... the pain keeping you awake while you wait for the shot to present itself...????

Can you sleep in a puddle...?

Can you crawl 500 yards to get a better position...?

Can you go without food and still be patient...?

Can you do these things knowing someone with a gun like yours is looking for you...?

BTW congratulations... you are a very good shot...

Can you do a shot like that when you are really, really cold...?
Or really, really hot...?

Hungry? Thirsty? Tired? Sick? Scared?

Or scared sick?



I know a lot of incredible shooters...
Several who can shoot even better than 30Cal and 30CAL is very good!

But I only know one guy among many great marksmen who MIGHT be an able, self-disiplined sniper...

He is also the best rifle shot I've ever seen...
On the 100 yard range I spotted for him and saw him shoot three shots with an M-14 with aperture iron sights and call his shots...

BEFORE he fired them...
He fired all three in as many seconds...
And his placement was specified to three "spots" INSIDE the 2" circle he was shooting at.

He was the "designated sniper" for Nancy Toul-Rossierre Army Depot... 1964-5
Hey there chief.. I just said i wanted to try to be a sniper. I didn't say i was going to be able too. How the hell do you know i can't do those things.
Seeing how they are using Golf Tees and they are not falling out, looks like it might be from a mouse gun?
That's with an M1A. I was probably exaggerating when I said I can usually cover them with my hand--we all know what the wind will do to you in the middle of the string if you're not paying close attention.
Hey there chief.. I just said i wanted to try to be a sniper. I didn't say i was going to be able too. How the hell do you know i can't do those things.

I never even hinted that you couldn't do these things... :rolleyes:

And, I gave you credit for being mature and interested in knowing what you would be "in for". :o

That's what I get for giving a stranger the benefit of the doubt... :cool:
I'm one of the few to have actually responded to the question; no comments?
Come on, tell me what you think.
I was shooting a stock Colt HBAR, with factory 55gr FMJ, laying on my belly in the dirt, on a "natural terrain" range in the desert. The wind was blowing, the clock was running, and I was breathing hard from having sprinted 100ft to get to the gun. I beat half the guys with scopes, so I know I don't absolutely suck.