Just when you think they can't sink any lower . .

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Wow, really, just wow. They really played the race card on this one when it never existed in the context of what actually happened regarding open carry and protest.

I don't usually buy the "liberal media bias" crap, but this is seems to be a case of it.
But not L&CR related IMO. Definitely more "gun news" with a slant towards politics of the media.

This goes way beyond mere politics. It relates to the events in NH and AZ, about which there is much debate going on here.

It's related because lies, and false accusations of racism against gun owners by a major media outlet can negatively impact our civil rights. If we are unwilling to shine the light of day on such egregious media behavior, who else will?
Wow. Watch taht video, then watch the CCN version. It's clearly the same man, with a white dress shirt and AR. The MSNBC video concealed his ethnicity, and went on about racism.

The CCN video showed the man's face, mentioned that he was African-American, and talked about guns. It was still an anti-gun slant, but Racism never entered the discussion.
The "Race Card" has been brought up in the other thread, thereby making this one a duplicate.

Closed. (Talk about it over there -->)
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