Just thought of something


How many of you are right handed..... okay, put your hands down. How many are left handed...... okay, put your hands down.

As a righty or a lefty a person will do must of all tasks, single hand tasks, with their dominant hand. One of the things that I've noticed is this:

In the wintertime, it's dark when I leave the house, and dark when I come home. I am right handed so when I leave the car (after checking my surroundings) I go to my door. I have two locks on my door, a deadbolt and the normal lock in the doorknob. I use my right hand to unlock the door locks (luckily, I was smart enough to get a deadbolt/knob lock that are keyed the same).

My firearm is located right side, dominant side for dominant hand. My right hand is being used to hold onto something that you have to turn and then turn again to remove the key. You are at a disadvantage IMHO at this point.

So I went and got myself a Taurus M85UL .38 spl. today. Yes, I know it's only a five shot but it was the size/weight that I wanted for a 2in snub. But it's for my left jacket pocket. That way, keeping my left hand free (or on it) to come into action if needed. All of you know what's going on here so I have to be in Yellow 100% of the time.

I haven't a chance to fire it yet but it's a "up close and personal" weapon, 2in firearms weren't meant to be "reach out and touch someone". So I'm sure that it will fire and I'm not all that worried about pinpoint accuracy.

So, has anyone else thought about having your primary for your right hand (or left if you are left handed) AND a primary for your left hand (or right hand if you are right handed)?

Or am I just full of it? (rhetorical question, do not answer :D ).

I'm right handed but i try to keep it empty whenever possible for that reason. So when i eat or drink something its with my left hand. Unlock my car keys are in left hand you never know when you may need to draw your weapon and having to drop something just takes up some time you don't have much of. Plus i'm trying to be more adapt at using my left hand for shooting. also trying to do stuff with just one hand. started to think about that when at work 2 weeks ago a fellow employee lost about 8" off his lower arm in a tubing bender. It opened my eyes to the fact you never know when you're going to be handicapped
Good Idea.


You are not full of it. In previous posts I have supported the idea of a weak hand back up gun. If I am ever carrying a back up gun, it is always for my weak hand. I am left eye dominate, and shoot left handed. I write with my right hand. I shoot pretty much equally well with my right hand, I just have to tilt the frame a bit and turn my head towards the sights. But, the good ole' left hand just feels better with a handgun.

Anyway, I figure if I am in a "real" jam and can't draw my primary, I will at least be able to access my weak hand BUG. It gives me an extra option if someone who is doing me harm may become distracted. Also, if my primary arm is injured, I can still draw another handgun and hopefully escape the scene.

Gotta love the snubs for BUGs and coat carry. They are the best.
It's an old thing, having a gun in the off hand pocket. Keith wrote about it in "Sixguns" as being used in the frontier days.
not so sure... i was thinking about it and realized that if attacked, say by a knife or hand to hand (a punch), i instictively and always throw up my weak hand to block, keeping the dominant hand for whatever. in bad breath range you might not even get to draw. if i had keys or some other thing my dominant hand was doing i'm fairly sure i would just drop or let go imediately and draw, stab or punch while using my weak hand to block. now if i have a gun in my off hand, and instinct takes over... thats just me though. i am somewhat ambi, so that if i get shot or sliced in my dominant hand, i could still shoot, stab, or write (in cursive) my farewell.
I would probably just let go of the keys as I went for my gun, it really wouldnt add any extra time to my draw speed and I can always just bend over and pick up my keys after I had delt with the threat.

With that said, I like the Taurus 85 ultra-lites, I carry one on occasions I need a bit deeper concealment than I can achieve with one of my 1911's.

I was actually surprised by my 85's accuracy, its not a target pistol by any stretch of the imagination so dont get me wrong, but even at 25 yards (single action, slow fire, weaver stance) I have no trouble hitting COM on a lifesized silhouette target.

Anyway congratulations on your new revolver, I hope it is never needed to keep you and your family safe.
"So, has anyone else thought about having your primary for your right hand (or left if you are left handed) AND a primary for your left hand (or right hand if you are right handed)?

Or am I just full of it? (rhetorical question, do not answer )."

As a LEO that's just one of the things that's trained in tactical training. Depending on the dept how much it's engrained. Think about all the cops who make traffic stops at night. Walk up to the car, flashlight in hand. Driver hands over his driver's license. You still have the flashlight to hold. Which hand flashlight and which hand do you reach for the DL? That's just one of the tactical situations that's taught and trained early on. That's where good tactical training is necessary. There's more to defensive tactics than just carrying a gun.
Interesting. But I carry crossdraw. Strong hand is the right hand. And I can draw with my left as easily as with my right. Mind you, my workweek carry is a S&W 1006. Not exactly a pocket gun.
I'm just trying to get a better view of this.
Do you have outside lights at your door? Does the front of your home have that many hiding spaces where someone can jump out of nowhere and attack you? Are there thick bushes all over by your front door? I'm just trying to get a picture of your front of your home and why any person would have the advantage of getting to you before you saw him and where you don't have the time to drop your keys and pull your weapon.
At which point ,while unlocking the door with your right hand holding the keys, are you so 100% dedicated to opening your door that you cannot take a second to look around or even just forget about opening the door and take care of any threat that may just come along?

There's nothing wrong with having a backup gun, mainly if your primary weapon fails/runs out of ammo, but to have one just so you feel extra safe opening up your front door is a bit overkill.
All of you know what's going on here so I have to be in Yellow 100% of the time.
Sorry, I don't know what's going on here... maybe I just don't get it. :o

I'm right handed...

Before I get in/out of the car or open house door...

I switch my weapon to the left hand and open the doors with my right hand.

If this "fails"... I open doors with my left hand... :p

This saves having to carry more guns than I need...

and it saves having to buy a TAURUS? :D :D :D
I'm just trying to get a better view of this.
Do you have outside lights at your door? Does the front of your home have that many hiding spaces where someone can jump out of nowhere and attack you?

1. Yes, I have outside lights, motion detection. The only bad thing is that the light will go off every time a car passes on the road. The front door to the road is only about 15 to 20 feet and the sensor on the light, even at it's lowest level it still detects cars passing by.

2. Yes, the house was built around 1925/1930. The way that it's situated, the side yard closest to the door is a great place to hide because of how the house is built. There is also the other side which houses (has) a dark enclave that can be seen to a point but not indepth. No bushes or other cover like that.

The biggest is from across the street. A person can cover distance quickly and they have no lights over there so they can hide in many places and then cross the street without me being able to see them. I live in a pretty isolated area except for the traffic on the road and even then, I doubt most people are really paying attention from what I've witness out there.

At which point ,while unlocking the door with your right hand holding the keys, are you so 100% dedicated to opening your door that you cannot take a second to look around or even just forget about opening the door and take care of any threat that may just come along?

As mentioned, the house was built in 1925/1930. The locks are tight in the frame of the door (the deadbolt). So I have to take my eyes off my surroundings to put the right type of leverage on the bolt (hard to explain). The knob lock is easy and can be turned without problems. And no, I can't change out the deadbolt because the same would happen, especially in the wet weather since the rain makes the wood swell and tightens on the deadbolt. If I cut the hole larger then that takes away from the security of the door (talked to a locksmith as well as a home security company about this.

So I have to use my right hand for the strength and the leverage needed. My left arm has the strength of a 10 year old girl if that. And no, working out isn't going to help, it's from a disease not from just being weak.

but to have one just so you feel extra safe opening up your front door is a bit overkill.

You've never been around my area have ya ;) . I'm dealing with meth heads and the one person that has given veiled threats is also a meth head (didn't know until last weekend when I had the Sheriff run his "rap sheet"). That is the reason that I am on my toes. He may not try to do anything but from what I've read, meth turns people into phycozods(sp) where they can be "normal" one moment and thinking clearly and then turn into a phyco as the meth hits and think that they are supermen or something.

I also thought about the "steps" that I would have to take in order to draw dominant:

1. See threat
2. Drop/let loose of key(s)
3. Use weak hand to sweep full length coat from around firearm
4. Draw/fire on threat

Weak hand, Primary for Weak Hand:

1. See threat
2. Draw/fire on threat

I've taken out two steps for a faster draw.

I know that this may seem like "overkill" to some and others won't understand the entire situation, both physical (bodily) and enviromentally (house). But each one of us have our situations and each of us has our way of dealing with these situations to get to the point where they feel they are at the advantage.

Ever think of getting a dog to scare of would-be BG's?

Consider a faux or even a real security camera to keep people from wanting to hide.

And best of all, buy a good flash light. I recommend the surefire L2. LED's will never burn out; batteries last forever on low (15 lumens) and one hour (but I think its more from my experience) on high at 120 lumens. It will really light up those dark spots and blind anyone there. Also, its very small (like 5'' in length and maybe 3/4'' thick. Check out www.surefire.com and add one to your normal carry kit.

Stay safe


Ever think of getting a dog to scare of would-be BG's?

Consider a faux or even a real security camera to keep people from wanting to hide.

I do have a dog, she is an indoor dog. Even if she were outdoor, the front yard isn't fenced on one end. Some drunk came around the corner and took it out. The LEO that was chasing them tried to take out the neighbors post. Unfortunatly for him, it was and old rail road tie and it didn't move but the patrol unit wasn't in chasing shape after that. The drunk is still in prison and will be for many moons to go (this happened in 2002 IIRC). And I have no idea why I felt the need to share that :confused:

As for the camera, I've been thinking of that but it's only good if I'm indoors and can watch it. Once I get into the house I am pretty much safe save for the main window but that's what the dog is for. Even though she's afraid of guns and if they had one, I think that her protection skills would overcome that fear.

No, these are shady characters at the very least. Unpredictable which makes them very dangerous. I'm just covering all bases that I can think of at the moment to ensure (well, to help ensure) my safety until this mess is resolved (by the courts).

And it was an excuse to buy the Taurus (and what's wrong with that) that was marked at $219.00 (I think it was mismarked because it is a NIB, not a used), $229.00 with that dang check.

When faced with such a set of circumstances, ya gotta do what works - bravo Wayne.

But for me and the most of the rest I think the "learn to use your left hand to open the door" suggestion has the most merit. I knew a guy who only ate left handed in public so his draw would not be impeded by a fork or spoon... Just a little over done, I think - but using keys with the off hand, or turning a door knob, dropping letters in the mailbox, carrying that one grocery bag, etc. ain't too unreasonable a solution.
As for the camera, I've been thinking of that but it's only good if I'm indoors and can watch it.
For immediate protection, yes, but it can serve as a good deterrent too. After a 9mm round through my kitchen window (wasn't home at the time :mad: ) and several steak knives thrown at my dog (all of which I suspect were job related), I built my own video system for under a hundred bucks. I mounted it on a cheapie, light duty antenna rotor on a corner of the house so I have 270 degree coverage, and when I'm not home the feed is recorded by a VCR with an 8 hr. tape.

Then the trick was to let the dirtballs know it was there and working. When they walked by the house, I tracked them with the camera using the rotor. Every time they moved, the camera moved. I also made sure to let it "leak" that they were being recorded ;) .

Haven't had a problem since.
Geeze CC, sounds like you are living in a stress zone

You know it was one thing to work and be on the job and have problems it was quite another to have that problem at the home where you live.
Most of the time I was on the job. In the tract I lived about every 4th house was a LEO of some sort. We kind of had a real good thing going. Plenty of back up and everyone watching everyones back.

One time when I was off and a guy came to the door and would not leave when my wife asked him to. I was in the shower and heard her scream, I was at the door clad only in Levi's. Here was a guy with his foot in the door wanting to sell magazines. I told him to step off my porch and get off my property.
I gave him 5 seconds he did not move. I told him he was under arrest for trespassing and told him I was going to arrest him. He pointed his pen at me and stood his ground.
I attacked, took the pen in the forearm and flipped him over and choked him out. About 2 minute's later a car (police going home) came by and helped me. Cuffed him up, then the Sheriffs took care of it. (Paraphrased) Still have the scar from the pen. 30 years later.

It was a good neighborhood I wonder why I ever moved.

Video's and all that, is the day and age I guess. I now live in a cul-de-sac and feel fairly secure. Two or three guns, always avaliable and plenty of stick type weapons. Can't be to careful when these Jehovah Witness's come by. Might be a charade.

Geeze CC, sounds like you are living in a stress zone
Naw! It's actually a pretty nice, upper middle class neighborhood. HUD didn't like that though, & forced a bunch of lowlifes on us. It only took one household to ruin things in the neighborhood, but fortunately they burned their own place down & moved on.

Maybe Wayne will get lucky and his neighbors will have a barbecue-gone-wrong :D .
Maybe Wayne will get lucky and his neighbors will have a barbecue-gone-wrong

Well, for across the street that could very well happen. The house (remember the picture of me by my cars?) is falling apart and they are using the fireplace, probably hasn't been used in years (well, I know of at least 6 years) and birds built nests and stuff in it.

But, they've had that thing going for about a month now so it may be safe enough.

I'm just worried about Byron Kelso. He doesn't live around there but his shop is just right up the street. That's were he and his "friends" hang out.

I may look into the camera deal. Hopefully next year will be better (had to shell out around 25,000 for some unexpected expenses) and I can get one with infared :D.

Oh, I can't manipulate the deadbolt with my left hand.
