Just think...

Bill DeShivs

New member
In less than a week, hundreds, maybe thousands of neophytes will get a new Dremel-and will proceed to polish their feed ramps and grind holes in their guns. :eek:
I concur. Never thought of it that way. Guess the professional gun smiths can expect to get busy with the kitchen table gunsmiths oop's. Great way to put it Bill and we know they are out there:eek:
I have owned several Dremel tools and they are perfectly good tools when used the right way by the right people. To make a statement that a Dremel tool should never be used on a gun is simply dumb. I could say the same thing about any tool when the user does not know how to handle it and recognize its advantages and limitations.

Jim, I use Dremels every day in my shop. Fortunately, I know what I am doing with them. They are indispensable tools. They can also screw a gun up quickly in untrained hands.
My reference was more aimed at Christmas and neophytes than Dremels.
Are you doubting the fine institution of WECSOG Mr. Bill? :D

(Wile E. Coyote school of gunsmithing, in case you didn't know)
Hey, kitchen table gunsmiths pay for the children of professional gunsmiths to attend college. Better than waiting for Bernie and Hillary to pay their way. :)


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A poor craftsman blames his tools.

It is true that a poor craftsman can also destroy pretty much anything with hand tools. But with a dremel it can happen at astonishing speed. For many people who own guns, there should be a waiting period to buy a dremel.
Well, that is what I mean. I once read a long rant about how the writer would never use a Dremel tool, would never allow any motorized tool near a gun, did everything by hand, even cutting screw threads with a file, etc. He claimed that only a purist like him could do "proper" gun work. I haven't heard from him for a good while; he may be still at work on his first screw.

I'm betting that Bill DeShives uses Foredoms rather than Dremels. After years of using Dremels I switched to the much cheaper Black and Decker. These get rid of that awful motor lock button.

If I could justify the expense I would have a gimbal mounted, flex shaft Foredom with it's wonderful foot operated speed control,

Grind on