Just shot my first match


New member
happened to be an IDPA classifier

ESP (9mm Combat Commander ran well)

Overall score - 175.86 = Marksman

38.68 short of Sharpshooter.

they inverted the stages and began with stage 3

3 - 67.89

2 - 41.92

1 - 66.05

I started strong, shot accurately and didn't rush.
Shot well on stage 2.
But in spite of what I knew in advance and reviewed on my notecard, I still managed to rush and miss head shots on Stage 1. What was up with that?? :confused:

I knew better and was disappointed with blowing what should have been my best stage.
Strange how that happens. :o

Guys at the match were super good people and put up with all my noob questions and antics.

I know I can shoot much better than Sharpshooter, and can't wait to shoot again.

Really enjoyed my first IDPA match.
Match scores rarely equal practice scores when the pressure is on and the scores count. Everybody, but everybody gets match nerves and if he doesn't he is lying or he just died and doesn't know it yet. Good shooting, you are in it for the long haul now.

Speaking of nerves, I shot sharp shooter scores for 3 weeks at practice, second target of the day I shot the leg out from under it to the delight of everybody. That was my second match, I actually shot better at the first match when I had no idea that I would be top new shooter that day. After that for the next year I became obsessed with winning and did not improve at all. Had to quit for 6 months to get my head back in the game. I finally learned to relax, sing, dance, joke around and do NOT look at the scores until after the last shot by the last shooter has been fired. Sounds silly but if you can stay loose off the line it helps you to stay focused on the line.

It is a disease and you must make every effort to feed that disease for it holds back old age, wrinkles, age spots and bad breath. You are now a man among men, I salute you.
I hear ya.

Already ordering mod's for my Commander and looking to shoot another match this week.

Stick a fork in me, I'm done.:o
I'm another new IDPA shooter too. Only shot one match a little while back, but that was some of the most fun i've ever had shooting a gun. All of the other people in my squad, and my SO's, were really cool and answered all of my questions too. I ended up right in the middle of my class, ssp unclassified, and it made me really want to go again.
It's been a long time since I shot IPSC or IDPA, but one thing I remember from those and from other types of matches I've shot in is that I have to basically convince myself that I don't care how well I do (compared to other people).

Psychologically, if I think of it terms of shooting as well as I know I am capable of shooting, under the circumstances, but am not interested in whether or not I beat other people, I am much more able to relax, ignore distractions, and shoot my best.

This past year, I shot my first M1 Garand match and it happened to the be first organized 4-position rifle match I'd shot in about 12 years (plenty of other types of shooting, just not this type). I went into it knowing that while I had plenty of general shooting experience and plenty of skill, I was not completely used to the situations and shouldn't expect that I should blow away the competition. I was able to be relaxed and focused at the same time. As it turned out, I was able to score 342/400 at 100 yards and took second place in the shoot. I'm quite certain that if I'd been harder on my self and more focused on winning that I wouldn't have done as well.
I've also found, in general, that classifier scores don't have much to do with match scores. I was a Sharpshooter for many years, but frequently (usually) beat local Experts, as they were very good "paper" shooters, but not very good at turning it into good match scores. While the classifier is a good general test of skill, don't practice it as an end to itself, use it as a way of gauging your improvement. I shot the classifier two or three (or more) times a year, trying to make Expert. Stage three was always my downfall, but since 20-yard shots rarely come up in IDPA outside of the classifier, I didn't spend much time practicing it. It got to the point that I'd shoot stage three first, and if I didn't shoot an Expert score on that stage (<30 seconds for CDP), I wouldn't bother shooting the other two stages! It was more mental, than anything else. I got bumped to Expert by winning Sharpshooter at a sanctioned match, then shot an Expert score the next time I tried the classifier. :)
I hear ya, RB.

They inverted the stages and I shot 3 first.

Did really well on 3 and on 2.

Then got off my mental game on the easiest stages (to me) and sunk what would have otherwise been a pretty remarkable first classifier.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.:o