Just say no to the bailout

The gas prices are due to

1. Supply and Demand
2. Lack of refinery capacity
3. The valuation of the falling dollar

Those two institutions are federally chartered and do not make direct mortgages to lenders. Second they hold 5 trillion in Assets. If you let them go bust the current economic crisis will seem like a mild breeze compared to the crap storm after that.

They make it possible for the little guy like us to get a loan to buy or build a house.

The represenative should learn that digging a deeper hole than you have is not a recommended action.

My plan of action would be to fund them and at the same time investigate all the bad mortgages at those two institutions and start putting those who knowingly and willingly did bad deals in jail and and for the firms that sold the loans to pay some restitution if it was not legal.

I wonder how many of that sold bad mortgages to the two donated to the election of this guy?
As long as I knew that the people responsible

for putting them in the red were not getting "golden parachutes", and were in fact losing their jobs and benefits (even if they avoid jail), then I would not object to the bailout, in principle.

However, in practice, I think the govt will screw it up, and those responsible will walk, probably with a lot of our money in their pockets when they do.