Just plain WOW!

Due to self-isolating as a defense against coronavirus (I'm in the high-risk population for several factors), I haven't been to the range for more than six months. I went this morning because I had a student for the NRA Basic Pistol class who needed to go through the live fire portion of the class. I've been reading about firearms shortages and ammo shortages, but I was nonetheless unprepared for what I encountered.

There were NO guns in the For Sale cabinets. None. The owner told me that his distributors can't get guns. In the past, if someone wanted a gun that wasn't in stock, he could just call and order it. He said now when he calls the distributor, he just asks what they have and, if it's something he thinks he can sell, he orders a couple of them. It's strictly catch-as-catch-can.

Ammunition? Forget it. I never saw the ammo shelves so bare, and I've been a member at this range for 16 years. He isn't selling ammunition except for consumption at the range, and to buyers of guns.

Ever since I've known the guy, he did pistol permit classes every other Saturday. They are now running classes on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday of every week, and they're booked up into October. I met my student there at 10:00 a.m., when the range opens. We were on the range for about an hour. When we came upstairs, there were students with other instructors milling around the parking lot, waiting their turn to shoot (social distancing rules are in effect, by Governor's order). The place was jammed. I felt sorry for the guy behind the counter -- it's got to be like herding cats!

Obviously, either I need to get out more, or I need to stay at home more.
Get out more. It's better for your health and mental well being. And you might suggest the same to the counter guy.
Not really surprised. The upside to the shortage is just like tp and hand sanitizer, the free market will respond and correct itself. Tp never really ran out as I was always able to get it but hand sanitizer was hard to come by. Now, hand sanitizer is plentiful and the shelves are full everywhere I go.

The same will hold true with guns and ammo. Hard to get certain guns at some places but they can still be purchased, likewise with ammo. Getting ammo at pre-pandemic prices will definitely be difficult but not difficult if you’re willing to pay more. I think it’s probably harder if you’re a business. I can’t speak for every business out there but it looks to me like most have a per limit policy, which is necessary.