Just picked up my new Rem 870P Magnum yeehaw!


New member
Question is what do I tell the wife and what do I do with my Winchester 1300 Defender - good gun too. I guess I'll keep it - can never have too many shotguns.

The 870P Magnum is a beaut. 18 in. barrel, Parkerized of course, rifle sights (really wanted ghost, oh well),, and factory synthetic stock. Brand spankin' new.

Best my local indoor range allows shotguns - buckshot and slugs so I expect to get in a lot of practice time.l

$450 - hope that was a good price.

Where do I get a magazine extender? That's all I want right now as far as after-market stuff. Other than giving it a good cleaning, oil and lube, any suggestions for prepping before I head to the range? Thanks! :)
Go to Remington's LE web site at:
and take a look at the FAQ's.

Remington says they spray the Police guns, inside and out, with a coat of hot cosmoline to protect the gun during shipping.

They recommend completely stripping the gun, including the magazine, and spraying everything, dripping wet, with Rem-Oil or CLP Breakfree.
Let soak for 20 minutes or so, then wipe it off and put it into use.

The soaking will dissolve the cosmoline and impregnate the finish with lube, which will prevent rust.

I used CLP on my Police and have had no problems.

For a magazine extension, check Brownell's. They carry most brands.

I personally always recommended Choate, since it's easy to get, is a good price and quality unit, and comes complete as a kit.
The Choate kit has the extension, a high-quality long spring, a stronger magazine follower, a sling swivel, and MOST important, comes with a barrel clamp.

USE THE BARREL CLAMP. If the kit you buy doesn't come with a clamp, BUY ONE.

Many people make the mistake of assuming that a high quality extension doesn't need a clamp, since the extension is very well built and strong.

The extension can be a solid steel bar. The problem is the extension is screwed to the GUN's magazine tube, which is fairly thin steel, further weakened by the deep, square threads.

Give an unsupported extension a bump, and it can be bent or knocked completely off the gun.
The problem here is, the extension isn't damaged, the GUN's magazine tube is damaged, and this requires an expensive trip back to Remington for a replacement.

Many clamps like Vang, Wilson, and others do not come with a clamp, so people assume they don't need one.
If you buy one of these, buy a clamp to support it.

If you need to buy a clamp, I highly recommend the Uncle Mike's version, which is a copy of the Remington factory clamp.
This type works better than any other clamp I ever saw.
Not for the one shot, but for ALL other extensions, no matter WHO makes them, USE A CLAMP.

I can tell you several interesting stories about what happens when a "Super-quality, Super-strong" magazine extension gets bumped.

Again, it makes NO difference how strong your extension is. Take a look at the end of the gun's magazine tube.
It's fairly thin steel, with deep, wide, square thread cuts further weakening it.

Bottom line is, there's NO good reason not to use a clamp, and several good reasons TO use a clamp.

Keep both guns ready for defence is what I say!

If your way of life allows, stick the Defender in the living room, it a not so obvious spot, and the 870 near the bed. That's how I would do it.

Tell your wife you got it so she could use the 1300 :cool:
Oh boy

What's wrong with a HD shotgun and a travel gun?

I'd be taking the wife to dinner a couple times, and be glad to have the mother-in-law stay for a nice visit. :D
Just say: Honey, you have a problem? Talk to the gun. :-)

Man, I can never buy anything without my wife's consent first. The first stupidest thing I did in my life was to get married, the second stupidest thing I did was to let her have control over my money, and the third stupidest thing I did was being happy about all these.

Damn, I am stupid!!!