Just Ordered an 1858!


New member
I was out deer hunting last week, during the "Alternative Methods" season here in Missouri. Tip-toeing through some of the thickest woods I've ever been in, I saw a lot of pig sign. I haven't seen any of the oinkers myself, but I recently had a conversation with several guys who have taken them in this area. One of the guys had been chased by momma pig after taking one of her (not so little) babies.

I was hunting with my CVA Apollo in-line .50 cal front-stuffer, plenty of power for a deer or pig, but definitely lacking in follow-up shot capability, especially if being chased by pigzilla.

When I got home, I read up on the hunting regulations. Where I live, center fire handguns are not allowed (I live on a military base), so I started looking into the cap and ball revolvers. After researching them here and elsewhere on the net, I went to town (literally) and handled some 1858's.

I decided to take advantage of Cabela's excellent sales and I ordered this: http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Firearms/Black-Powder-Firearms/Black-Powder-Revolvers%7C/pc/104792580/c/553829580/sc/571854780/i/567338580/Pietta-1858-New-Army-44-Cal-Black-Powder-Revolver-with-Spare-Cylinder/1776982.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fblack-powder-revolvers%2Fpietta%2F_%2FN-1115735%2B1000004302%2B4294388723%2FNe-4294388723%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_567338580%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%25253BMMcat104792580%253Bcat571854780%26WTz_st%3DGuidedNav%26WTz_stype%3DGNU I'm really looking forward to playing with this and I'm sure I'll feel a lot better next year when I'm in pig country knowing that I have another six shots if need be.
I handled this one today. I really liked it and it comes with a spare cylinder. I tried talking the salesman into letting me have it for 199.00, but he wouldn't. I told him I would think on it.
Be careful about carrying a loaded black powder revolver around on your person.

In many regions it is very much considered a "gun" just as much as a Glock 17 when it is loaded and capped, and you could get in big trouble with the base. I would just talk to either an MP or if you have an outdoor recreation office on base, call them and see what they have to say.

If your good to go though, an 1858 Remington would make a fine alternative to a centerfire gun for your purposes.
I would definitely find out the facts before carrying it hunting. IMO if a center fire revolver isn't legal chances are the C&B isn't legal either. Plus I'm not at all sure I'd want to shoot a wild boar with a C&B revolver.
Model12Win, the rules where I'm at (Fort Leonard Wood) are clear: Center fire handguns and rifles are not allowed for hunting, but muzzle loading/cap and ball revolvers are good (shotguns are allowed for the regular firearms season). This is for hunting only, carrying of firearms otherwise, open or concealed is prohibited regardless of the ignition method.

Hawg, I wouldn't "go hunting" for pigs or any other big game with this revolver, I just want a backup in case I **** off a porker. I can shoot faster than I can run.
If you doubt a .44 1858 will be enough protection against a raging pig, how about a Walker instead?
Maybe with a shoulder stock attachment, if allowed.
Probably wouldn't even need your long gun, then.
Anyone know if a cap and ball handgun with a stock is legal?
I agree with Hawgie, wild pigs look scary. If you can't stand it you might want to look at a heavier conical with a max load.
I once saw a guy make six hits on a sow with a 30-30 as it charged towards him. None of them were really good hits tho. The sow dropped dead at his feet.
Okay Monkey, sounds good.

Personally, I think the 1858 will be not bad for your purposes. You can stuff nearly 40 grains of FFFG in each chamber and with a .44 round ball on top, it should be effective for close range oinker defense, not to mention emergency defense from the two-legged oinkers out there if you catch my drift.

You could always experiment with conicals too as these generally give greater penetration, but round ball should be effective.
It'll be real fun if after the first shot you see the pig coming atcha through the pall of smoke. Whoa piggie!
See photo of target disappearing after firing. That's my Remington with only 20grs powder. Imagine 40 and a charging hog.


  • MeCapSmoke.jpg
    130.3 KB · Views: 21
Cool pic

Nice photo Hellgate. It would only be an issue for me if the little bundle of yummy goodness decided that 245 grains of copper and lead, pushed by 100 grains of pyro were not enough.
Monkey, note how (in the photo) the spent cap is recoiled free of the gun. I love my Uberti Millenium Remingtons. I generally only have a spent cap under the hammer on the last chamber. Good luck on the pig stickn'. Sounds like you have a decent backup plan.
Old time B/P hunters would fire then immediately drop lower to look under the smoke.
Maybe stepping sideways after firing each of your 7 shots? You can only get but so low.:)