Just ordered a SP101 but...


New member
Should I have gotten the 2" barrel instead of the 3"? Searching the web it seems all the major holster manufacturers only list the 2".
This may not even be an issue, my home state has yet to implement CCW but I hate it when I can't find my gun listed in catalogs!
BTW, gave $350 for it, NIB, how does that compare with prices in other areas?
I think the 3" will allow you to get more usefulness out of the .357 mag (you don't specify, but I assume that's the caliber you purchased). That cartridge needs a little tube behind it to help it really get its legs. The additional bbl length will have to make it a little more pleasant to shoot with heavier bullets. If I were to buy another SP-101, I would opt for the 3". (The SP-101 is really on the large and heavy side for front pocket carry, and that's about the only type of carry precluded by the 3" tube.)

I think your price is fine. I see them hereabouts in stores for $389 new.

Congratulations: It's a great gun. You can shoot .357 magnum loads until the cows come home, and it will not loosen up. A tip - lots of dry firing (okay'd by the Ruger owner's manual) seemed to lighten the trigger pull up somewhat in my SP-101.
Main reason I got the SP was for open carry while hunting snake defense while at the range - the GP (6") got too heavy - and home defense. Chose the longer barrel for all the reasons you mentioned.
Just ordered a set of Wolff springs for it, they did wonders for My GP100.
What I'd do:

1) Buy a good holster for a 2" gun.

2) Cut the bottom off so the barrel hangs down. You DO own a pocketknife, right? If you don't, carefully hold the holster down with one gloved hand and trim the bottom with a .38 wadcutter :p.

3) Enjoy :D.
SK, there are more than a few TFLers that think 3" is the ideal barrel length for a carry revolver.

If you can't find one "off the shelf", you might ask one of the finer holster suppliers to make you one.

Does RJ Hedley make any that big? I'm pretty sure Alessi and/or Milt Sparks either have 'me or could make 'em.
I know that Alessi makes a few for it. Here is a link to the page for the Hard Shell Talon, one of their leather IWB rigs. Great holsters; been using two of them for almost 7 years now. Price is pretty good, the clip holds them in place if you wear a halfway decent belt, and the shape of the top of the holster allows easy one hand reholstering.


I think that you will like it. The extra inch of barrel helps increase velocity and decrease recoil and muzzle flash a little. Very hard to go wrong with. Hope that you enjoy it.
3 & 1/16th inch is the best

I have the 2.25" SP 101, and I like it a lot but I regret not getting the 3 & 1/16th inch version instead. The 3-incher gets better velocities, and recoils a little less. It also gives you a little better sight radius. Both are easy to carry, I don't think the 3" is that much harder to carry. I think you made a very good choice with the 3".
Thanks for the link.
What about grips? I put Hogue's on both my GP & my S&W, really like them. Been searching for a replacement front sight, would like to add something like a Trijicon or other night sight.
^I suggest using the factory grips on a Ruger SP. The SP 101 grips feel awesome to me (they fit me perfectly). I never cared for the Hogue grips...I do NOT like the finger grooves. If the factory SP grips fit your hand well, keep them on the gun!
SK, I've got adifferent opinion on the grips. I absolutely LOVE mine, especially w/mag loads.
As for holsters www.donhume.com should be able to help you out. If you call rf holsters, talk to Ray he's very helpful.
I have the 3" sp101, and think it balances a heck of alot better than the 2" version. Definitely my favorite length for a carry/combat revolver.
For a tritium front sight you can check with Jack Weigand or Ashley Express. Both make pin-in replacements that require just a minor bit of fitting. The Weigand on is pretty much a normal front but the AE one is one of their Big Dot sights (picture a golfball on the front of your gun).



I think Eagle also makes an nice wood grip in their Secret Service grip line for the SP101. I REALLY like these grips on my j-frames.

Ashley also makes the small dot Tritium for that gun, which in my opinion is the better idea for fixed-rear guns.

That's the one I'd get.
Found a Trijicon night sight for it, $37 at Arizona Gun Runners - www.arizonagunrunners.com -
The only ones I saw on the Ashley web site were for P series pistols.
Think I'm gonna like this gun, wanted one for a long time. Presently keeping a .45acp as a 'bedside' gun but the wife is pretty intimidated by it - she's pretty small and doesn't shoot. I'll talk her into going to the range with me and let her put some mild .38 specials through it. The SP will fit her hand a whole lot better.
Sat down at the bench today and loaded up a box of 140gr JHP's, (5.6gr Titegroup) usually shoot 158 grainers in the GP100, what goes well with your guns?
Good choice!!

Dave R said it... There are a bunch of us TFLers that prefer 3" guns to 2" -- for many reasons.

With many of the IWB holsters, they make the gun ride too high. With the 2" they tend to be top (grip) heavy and want to flop out. The added inch of barrel length helps anchor the gun flatter against your body.

Yes, holsters can be quite a bit harder to find for your new 3" barrel. I still think you made the right choice though. Heck, most of the time I carry my 3" just stuffed in the waistband. I have yet to have it fall out or fall down inside.