Just got some really bad news


So today I went to buy a rifle and was denied. I was told I needed to contact some wierd state office about it. So I drove another like 2 hours to go to this place. I went through a ton of crap and finaly found out why I had got denied. 4 years ago I got a disorderly conduct ticket. I got into an argument with a neighbor. Now I got a fine and was going to have to pay some ticket but they said if I went to some anger managment class I wouldn't even have to do that. So I did this all and thought I was done. Well it ends up because my mother was present at the argument that the cops could claim it was domestic violence related.

I find it pretty bs that they first can do that and that because it is domestic violence related that I can't buy a rifle. This just seems so wrong to me. The only good thing I found out is I can get the ticket expunged the only problem with this is I already have had to pay a fee to start the process and it will take 6-8 weeks. So guess I just needed to vent because looks like I am going to have to wait 6-8 weeks to buy my rifle.
And some folks actually believe that cops don't want to disarm us.

I'd say you have your proof that they do want us without guns and that they and the military be the only ones with the guns.

Just more trumped up B.S. to ruin your ability to buy guns legally.
Arguing with neighbors or anybody is useless. I had an older lady who was my neighbor she is now in a nursing home. The city had dug up some of her land on the right of way to find the line for sewage for the house we were remodeling. The neighbor and the City manager were fighting. When they got through I went over to talk to my neighbor. I could have argued till I turned blue about the city had legal right of way. Instead I listened to her and when she got through, I told her I would go talk to the guy. I went over shook hands and introduced myself, I explained to him that the lady was uber pissed. I told him that I was going to talk to him but I would shake my finger at him while I was talking an gesture to look like I was chewing him out...lol. I went back to her and told her I chewed him out and told them to clean up the mess and leave as soon as possible. They finished up shortly.

It worked she was happier than a pig in slop, the city manager was off the hook. Plus I had a good neighbor :D

Its much better to be a peacemaker. If that doesn't work I call the police department cuz they get paid the bucks to beat the rowdies down and haul em off to jail :eek:
Eghad, that was a pretty smart plan quite well executed. Now could you please head to the middle east and straighten out that whole Israeli/Palestinian thing :D
Depends on the State, Oregon has checks at gun shows....

I think your getting hosed, unless the argument was with your mom, even then that is bs unless you hit or threatend to hit her....let us know what happens, I'd get a "1st ones free" meeting with a good lawyer, you would have at some point have to of been told that this was a domestic issue:(
I thought about a gun show or even having a friend buy the rifle for me but I just can't for some reason I am one of those people who just has a really hard time doing something shady like that.

Oh and I guess will let a few more details in about the fight. What happend was one of my neighbors was giving my little sister crap like hitting on her and just being really sick in general ( oh btw she was only 15 at the time) So I got pissed at the guy and told him off well my mom came out to try and stop the fight but I guess another neighbor was mad at us making so much noise and call the police.

At first when the cops showed up I was pretty respectful but one of the cops was saying how I should of called the cops instead of confronting the guy. I asked him what he would do and he claimed would call the cops instead so I call him a name. That made things go really bad so I guess thats why the cop decided to tack the domestic related to the disorderly conduct.

Stupid me when I went to court I knew I was guilty of disorderly conduct so I just plead guilty and was never told about how I was going to lose my right to a rifle and all that crap. Looks like it will all work out in the end though just have to wait 6-8 weeks and try to save the $1000 dollars I had saved for my rifle.
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Why hasn't anyone ever challenged the Lautenberg Act for what it is -- an ex post facto law strictly prohibited by the Constitution?
I think it should be challenged because I am not trying to say hitting your spouse is ever right. I just think that they can attach domestic violence related to way to many things.

I mean what I did was wrong but an argument and since my mother was present it became domestic violence related.Oh and I was only 18 at the time so I mean I was barely an adult so thought they could have cut me some slack. I think the only way they should be able to attach domestic violence related is if there is some kind of direct physical violence toward a family member not if they are just present.
Won't any type of assault or violent crime put you in that same boat or is it just domestic violence?

Surely there's a time limit for stuff like that though?? Right??
I am not sure really too much about the laws but all I know is I lost my right to own a gun because of a Disorerly conduct ticket which isn't even a misdemenor it's called an infraction of the law. It was only a 55$ ticket about the same as a traffic ticket.

There is somewhat of a time limit though I can get it expunged which I guess means taken off my record and luckly here in utah you only have to wait 1 year to do that and its been 5 years since my ticket so I am good just having to wait 6-8 weeks.
Welcome to the system, and its lies

And Good Luck.

Your problem is that they classified you as having a domestic violence citation (conviction?), which will cause a hit in the telephone background check. Our legal system is full of crap that nobody tells us about, and we only learn when we run up against it. Besides the citing officer making it a BS cite for domestic violence (because your mother was there), the whole deferred prosecution "take these classes and we'll make it go away" comes with an unannounced price. They do this to encourage you to take the "easy" way out. And until you complete every single requirement of the "treatment" you still have the conviction (and it will show up on background checks). Even after completing the classes and having the record "expunged", you still may have a problem, because even though the specific incident may be removed from your records, the general cite may not be. Your name may still remain on a list, and it may cause you further problems down the road.

I have seen this happen with drunk driving arrests. People take the deferred prosecution option, and while if they complete the treatment they do not get a conviction, they are legally (and forever more) classified as alcoholics. They must accept this as a condition for getting the deferred prosecution, without (usually) understanding the long range consequences. I do not know if something like that could be at work in your situation, but I would not be surprised to learn there was. I wish you luck, and hope everything works out for you, but be prepared to find out you have been (further) screwed over by the system. Please come back and let us know just how it works out for you. Sharing your story, how it came about, and how it unfolds is important for all of us. If we don't know where (and how) the system is being abused, it is that much harder for us to do anything about fixing the problem.
Eghad, that was a pretty smart plan quite well executed. Now could you please head to the middle east and straighten out that whole Israeli/Palestinian thing

I ascribe to the theory that in the Middle east the only true way to peace is like the coach in school who caught two people fighting. He put you in a ring and made you fight with gloves till you got sick of fighting.

Let Israel and Palestine duke it out till they get sick of fighting and after that the next idiot that mentions fighting gets the crap beat out him by the people.
This was brought to you by our federal government at the instigation of a New Jersey POS yankee named Frank Lautenberg - it IS bogus, and is a perfect example of the misuse/abuse/unintended consequences of the Lautenberg law, which is unconstitutional and needs to be repealed or thrown out by the courts.

Lautenberg has been challenged plenty of times in court and it is still there....

Can you cite any examples wherein the law has been challenged on ex post facto grounds? Please post those citations.
I don't think any ex post facto challenges have been made.

the reasoning behind ex post facto is that it adds a criminal penalty to a criminal act that was committed before the law was passed. If the Lautenberg Amendment had added jail time for the previous domestic violence charge you would have a clear ex post facto violation. It adds no additional criminal penalty to the original domestic violation conviction.

It merely prohibits a person convicted of a domestic violence crime from owning a firearm. There is only a criminal penalty for violation of the amendment for still continuing to posses a firearm not the original domestic violence conviction.

Not exactly a clear cut case of ex post facto.