Just got my first baby Glock, and...


New member
Its a gen 4 26..I love it, but I'm a little concerned. When I got it home and field stripped it I noticed that the slide comes off a little wonky; it bumps to the right on its way off the rails. I think it's bumping up against part of the trigger assembly. Is this normal?? It looks like its scratching the inside of the slide. Is this something that will settle in, or should I send it in?
"Took pics but they're too big to upload..don't know how to shrink them down."

If the web hosting site you upload to doesn't shrink them, get a free photo program like Photofiltre. Go to IMAGE/IMAGE SIZE then shrink them.
You can also reduce them by using windows paint.
Just use "resize" and save them using a different name. Reduce until the saved file is less than 240K.

My older gen 3 26 does not have this.
What you describe is entirely normal for the Gen. 4 Glocks. The firing pin safety release tab on the trigger bar has a "bump" on the outside...which is designed to help keep the trigger bar in the right place. That bump causes the slide to go a bit wonky when installing it and removing it. However, once the gun is a bit broken in and things loosen up a bit, the "problem" will mostly go away.

So, don't worry about it.
+1 on wps. Part of the gen 4 design. Was a bit dismayed myself with it when I first got my g4 g23. Bump on the.trigger bar is causing it. Good new is you can either polish it and/or wait for it to wear in or I believe you can also swap out the trigger bar and possibly disconnector for gen 3 style.