Just got AR-7


New member
Just picked up a Charter arms AR-7 with two hi capacity Ram Line mags and one factory Mag. I think this is one of the cooler models since the stick is plastic and has two seperate slots, one that fits the barrel and one for the reciever built right into the stoch so you can take of the butt pad and insert both into the stock for storage.
Got the whole setup and the hi cap mags for 75 bucks.
I will let you know how it shoots I plan on shooting it today. :)
an AR-7 is a survivalist rifle in .22 lr. It is a semi auto that has an unscrewable barrel and a reciever that can be easily remioved and it breaks down into 3 pieces and can be carried in a backpack for hiking trips, fishing or whatever.
Had a cousin with one years ago that had an "annoying" habit of going full auto :D, alas he got it fixed :( as he should have. Fun gun to shoot, I liked the sights and break down capability a lot. Accuracy on the specimen I shot was nothing to write home about, but I think we were just shooting one load in it so maybe some experimentation was in order. You got a good buy, enjoy it.

Regards,Blue Duck
Well, shot it yesterday. It was pretty cool. The ram line clips hold 30 rounds and the factory mags hold 8. I like the way it shoots when you are firing rapidly, although one thing I found annoying was the rear peep site, it has a piece of flimsy metal behind it with a pin-sized whole too see through, I plan on enlarging it to make it easier to to see.
Overal it makes for a good backpacking emrgency rifle or a good, inexpensive plinker. I was surprised that it was actually pretty accurate. Nothing to write home about, but not too bad either.
One of the perks about buying this one was that it came with the hi cap mags which are pretty hard to find at least for me anyway. :D
i put a tasco pdp111 (1" tubed red dot) on an early ar-7. between the retractable stock, 30rd mag and red dot it looks like a gun that napolean solo used on the man from U.N.C.L.E. tv series.
interesting little toys. i have a few of them.
definetly give the red dot a try.
Yeah the idea of getting those two mags with it made me happy too. I have never really ever seen them although I havent really been looking either but I had yet to run across any of the ram line mags even at gun shows.
yes i have one that looks like that, only the rear stock is collaspable. also i own a very early one. that one has a wire retractable stock as well as barrel has flash hider as part of the barrel.

I'm really curious about these rifles. Any other folks with opinions / info on these handly truck / survival guns?

Thanks. Regards from AZ
I have a Marlin "Papoose"

Basically an AR-7, only with a stainless barrel and stainless other goodies. Black synthetic stock. Fits nicely in a cordura nylon pouch that floats. 3.5 pounds. The mags are chrome. Fits right behind the seats of my truck or even in the trunk of my Honda Pacific Coast. Lots of smiles. Pull over, screw the barrel on, load the mags with Stingers, and spend some quality time with your rifle for less than $5.00. (And that's if you shoot 100 rounds!)

Kentucky Rifle
My gun store said $210. The going price on the auction sites seems to be $175 to $200, so considering FFL fees, it looks like you might as well special order it from your favorite FFL.

I've been thinking about a rifle for the truck, and the Papoose looks like a good option. Frankly, some folks are saying it is of higher quality than the alternatives.

Apparently it needs optics. Kentucky Rifle, will you be mounting a scope on yours? Picked a model yet? I wonder how much room is in that storage bag ... will the bag accomodate the rifle as well as a mounted scope?

Regards from AZ
The flip clip is two magazines attached at or near the baseplates, with the feed lips facing away from each other. So, you shoot one mag empty, remove, flip and reinsert and you have another 8 shots. Of course, they make blocks of 3 or 4 magazines stuck together like flip clips for the AR7, and someone on here or Ar15.com saw a guy on TV in South Africa with 8 FnFal magazines duct-taped into a giant flip clip stuck in his Fal.
