Just Doodling


New member
When young I used to think I could be a cartoonist or commercial artist but as life proved me wrong... (I'm a retired metallurgist) I still like to dabble with it.

These are for fun. The first one is what the hunting show commercials portray what we look like (or should look like?)....


The second one shows what the normal hunter really looks like... (at least the ones I've seen on those shows LOL).


Of course these don't address "Bubba" and the southern guys but that might come later....


  • mightyhunter1(1).jpg
    58.8 KB · Views: 232
  • mightyhunter2(1).jpg
    57 KB · Views: 214
Like possums, raccoons, skunks, crocs and all that other stuff you guys eat?

Shot quite a few coons, its fun. Eaten possum once and didn't care for it, greasy and nasty, hey I'll try anything once. Skunks I steer clear of, pole cats are feisty critters. Crocs? We're southern, not Australian, we have alligators and they are tasty if done right.

But you can go ahead and put them in the pile with the deer, pigs, yotes, bobcats, turkeys, dove, quail, and other critters. Might want to draw in a fishbox with some dolphin, wahoo, grouper, snapper, black sea bass, triggers, sheepshead, trout, redfish, stripers, flounder and other gilled swimmers too.:D

Us southern boys haven't met an animal yet we wouldn't tangle with if it meant groceries for the table.:eek:
Had racoon once and it was good. A friend's mom made it for us. Also had bear meat stew and that tasted like beef. Loved the frog legs I had from the rebs I used to shoot bow with in NC. Possum tastes like it looks eh? LOL.