just curious on how everyone feels about the new Vecktor?

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I saw the new vektor at a local gun shop and to be honest it didn't feel bad in my hand but it looks alot like a toy or something. I am just curious whether anyone has shot one or even own's one and how they feel about it. or just anyone's opinion on the gun. thanks
I was seriously considering the CP1; it's a pretty little thing, and I've been looking for a 9mm backup.

BUT, it has an extremely limited service life. Basically, when your mag goes dry, you throw it away.

OK, that's an exaggeration. Vektor SA says it's good for, IIRC, 5000 rounds. It's literally a carry-lots-shoot-little gun. Based on this short lifespan, I can't recommend it.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I sent to Vektor and got their brochures, if the reviews are favorable and enough people give positive feedback I'll probably get one, I think they're cool. If they work well and they're accurate and cheap then I want one.
I've seen 2 so far, both priced around $500. Kind of high for such a short life span wouldn't you say. You can get a pretty nice gun for that price. Rod Black
Short span is right. why sped 400 to 500 for a gun that wont last? that is a big hunk of change,i would invest it in a good hand gun and for that price there are many out there.
No offense here, because I like the way the Vektor looks, I really do--but did anybody else play LazerTag as a kid? It looks like the plastic LazerTag guns are the fullsize and the Vektor is the compact of the same model. I wish I could find a picture of the Lazertag guns to show you . . .
Y'know, the really odd part is that I read a magazine review of the Vektor and it was a glowing review indeed, but it never mentioned this 5000-rd service life. How do you suppose that happened??? Boy that's annoying. I guess gun rags are about on par with knife rags?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I've never heard of this short lifespan problem before. Where I can I find information on that?
The surfacing is ideal for CCW, and the gas-delayed action dampens recoil quite well. But I'm not really that interested in the compact Vektor. Have you gentlemen seen their full size sercvice pistol? It's reputed to be Swiss-clock reliable and looks just like a sercvice pistol should. It's based on the Berretta and has a very simular frame. This is a promissing peice, I'm eager to testfire one soon. Vektor usualy produces good weapons. If the short service life problem about their compact is true, I'm very dissapointed. This company usualy doesn't produce toys.
According to Vektor Seth Effrika, the CP1 is a "contigency gun" and is not meant for major/heavy use. The service life figure comes directly from the owner's manual.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Which full size Vektor pistol are you referring to? I know of the Z88 and SP1. The Z88 is a near identical copy of the Beretta 92FS, while the SP1 is a different style, though they are of similar dimensions. I have read that they both take Beretta magazines (good news), though Shotgun News has some business in their pages that is selling South African Beretta mags (pre-ban) for 50 dollars. I would think that they are actually Z88 or SP1 mags.
But to get back to your main topic, I too would like to get a Z88 and an SP1, since I have heard favorable reviews about both of them.
I just recalled an e-mail I received a couple of months ago from someone who said that they had Z88s in stock. The guy's name is Jeffrey S. Marshall and he said that dealer price is $489.92 and it is available at RSR GROUP INC. 1-800-832-4867. I haven't checked it out, since I can't get one now, and I hope that the price goes down to something close to a Beretta's.
Hi guys,

I may get one just as a novelty, so the life span doesn't bother me (actually that is more than the average pistol owner fires in a lifetime). For serious work, I question a safety that requires the trigger finger to go forward when it should be going back. (I know about the M1/M14, but split second response is seldom needed in a military environment where can more easily anticipate trouble.)

Still, it's neat, and if our Maryland Handgun Control Board approves it, I'll bite.

The SP-1. The slabby, cyberpunk looking thing with the more conventional slide, but Beretta frame. Thanks for the information.
I have seen these recently at local shops and shows. I havenot handled them for one main reason, price. IMO why spend that much when you can get a Kel Tec, Glock or almost a SIG. It is a novel piece, but I wouldn't spend $400-$500 on one (which is what the asking price was).
Two Thumbs Down! What a stinker. Wow is that thing ugly. Is that for real or is it a toy?
Did Mr. Spock leave something behind the last time he beamed down. Iguess I really don't like it. I'll have a Glock please.

gun control is people control
I'm with loknload - that is the ugliest piece of plastic junk ever foisted on a gullible public!
What is the target market for this thing, trekkies or gangbangers?

Why would anyone buy a gun for that kind of money that falls apart if you shoot it a lot?

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
Excellent taste! I think that the SP1 is a cool looking weapon, and what information I've read (notably a Peter Kokalis Test and Evaluation)indicates that it is at the peak of perfection for a large frame high-cap (if you have the mags) 9x19mm that allows cocked and locked carry. By the way, the business that is selling South African Beretta 92 (pre-ban hi cap) mags is DSA Inc. (847-277-7258). The photo of the mag looks more like the Z88/SP1 mag due to the front of the floorplate extending down more that the Beretta's, like a more pronounced finger extension.